Sticky Brick Labs Vaporizer


Well-Known Member
I have the og and was wondering if I'd enjoy a Runt or a Jr when the time comes to try a second brick. The og is my heaviest hitter but I don't generally vape that much material in one go. I don't need portability so between the runt and jr I'd just like the one with the most cooling and the capability for big sb hits with a smaller bowl size.

If you can swing it, get the Jr plus a Runt mouthpiece. You then get the best of both worlds. I use my Jr by far the most out of my bricks. I still don't have an OG but need to get one.

I have the mini bubbler & prefer it dry cause of flavor.

Because of the way that the Jr loads, its not really practical to use the mini bubbler with water. I use mine dry with the Jr as well. It can be used with water more easily with the Runt though.


Well-Known Member
Would you fine folks help me narrow down my first Sticky Brick purchase?
I use CBD flower and even though I enjoy using it with my Dynavaps and Flowermate for basic medication use, I have to reload them several times to have a deeper body melt session. And that takes a lot of time and is probably an unhealthy amount of enhales on my lungs and throat. I am refilling my two daily driver Dynvaps like four or more times to get deeper.
So I am looking for a home use Sticky Brick. I don't see where the amount the herb chamber sizes hold are mentioned per model and not sure if they vary much form model to model. I would like the herb chamber to be big enough to use those S&B dosing capsules in it. I don't use water so I am torn between the OG, the Hydrobrick with a dry mouthpiece, the Runt, or the Junior.
The Runt is calling to me especially the fractal one. It seems like a nice size to hold, but I worry about the weaker magnets and parts falling off as I am a bit clumsy.
The fractal Hydrobrick looks sharp as well. Does the Hydrobrick cool with a dry mouthpiece cool well as the OG? And how does the cooling off the Runt compare to the OG and to the Junior?
I know the Puffitup and Sneaky Pete coupon codes, but does Sticky Brick Labs store have any coupon codes?


Well-Known Member
Would you fine folks help me narrow down my first Sticky Brick purchase?
I use CBD flower and even though I enjoy using it with my Dynavaps and Flowermate for basic medication use, I have to reload them several times to have a deeper body melt session. And that takes a lot of time and is probably an unhealthy amount of enhales on my lungs and throat. I am refilling my two daily driver Dynvaps like four or more times to get deeper.
So I am looking for a home use Sticky Brick. I don't see where the amount the herb chamber sizes hold are mentioned per model and not sure if they vary much form model to model. I would like the herb chamber to be big enough to use those S&B dosing capsules in it. I don't use water so I am torn between the OG, the Hydrobrick with a dry mouthpiece, the Runt, or the Junior.
The Runt is calling to me especially the fractal one. It seems like a nice size to hold, but I worry about the weaker magnets and parts falling off as I am a bit clumsy.
The fractal Hydrobrick looks sharp as well. Does the Hydrobrick cool with a dry mouthpiece cool well as the OG? And how does the cooling off the Runt compare to the OG and to the Junior?
I know the Puffitup and Sneaky Pete coupon codes, but does Sticky Brick Labs store have any coupon codes?
Welcome squanch! I can only speak to my experience with the runt, as I don't have any other bricks. I've never had a problem with the runt magnets being too weak. The design of the runt may not be good for those with ocd, as the runt assembles slightly offset, meaning the wood pieces don't line up exactly without manually aligning them.

I primarily use the runt through water, but I never felt like the vapor was too hot dry. It's just that I can get more vapor through water.

I also went from dynavap to SB and have never looked back. Occasionally, I'll use the dynavap here and there, or if I'm doing a day trip somewhere I'll load a single bowl. But the SBrunt through water has been my daily for almost 6 months or so, and I still have no desire to try anything else (except for a supreme v3).


Well-Known Member
The walnut is nicer looking than I expected and the Runt is smaller than I thought it would be. Not too small just expected it to be bigger. Might have to out the OG on the VAS lost now that I have a better understanding if he big it would be plus I just love the Runt. It definitely makes the CBD flower hit home and does it fast. I need to work on my technique because I am getting that dreaded throat burn and the lack of that is one of my favorite things about Dynvaps. I guess it is my lack of technique and probably chasing big clouds and I need to learn to go after medium, cooler clouds. I let the intake butane thing scare me off of Sticky Bricks but I see now it is no big deal. I tried the S&B capsule but switch to the bottom only so I could see and stir the herb between hits.
Man this Runt is next level, so glad I have one in the arsenal. I can see it being my go to for evenings and weekends. Dynvap for breakfast sessions.
Such a good night to land so I get my Runt on while watching the live stream of the Tyler Childers, Country Squire album release party in NYC. I kept refilling the chamber during the stream, smiling away this much on a Monday is pretty excellent.
Edit, Oops forgot the pics.
[url=] [/URL]


Well-Known Member
My opinion, it's easier to get the bigger hits with the restrictor disk in and a large torch. Cool thing is yoi will develop the technique that works for you. Congrats on the new purchase friend!

Yeah I left and am leaving the restrictor disc in. When you hear the whistle do you push the flame further into the stem intake or pull it farther away. That is throwing me.

I wonder if there is a glass female adapter out there that would fit in the runt and juniors to allow them to be used with that big ass Hydrobrick glass mouthpiece. Imagine that cooling effect.
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Gentleman Of Leisure
The OG is so smooth
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Gentleman Of Leisure
Ordered one from PIU, thanks guys.

@SquanchKava, I opted for the OG as my first brick because I imagined the big glass mouthpiece would provide adequate cooling for bigger hits and it really does a great job. That Runt looks great and I'm guessing it'll be my next brick unless I do the hybrid thing someone suggested of getting a Jr and adding a runt mouthpiece for home use.
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Well-Known Member
I found these straight male whip ends on ebay so I ordered the 14mm and 18mm makes ones. I already have a 14mm female bubbler mouthpiece. And I ordered the Maxx dry mouthpiece from SBL. My goal is to get the Runt to be one ring to rule them kind of thing. Like a mini OG and Mini Hyrdrobrick and Runt all in one. It gives amazing hits, feel just right in the hands, and it is super simple to pull off the herb chamber to stir and clean it. Plus it is easy enough to slip into a vape bag for travel.

If it works I might be able to slow my VAS building for an OG or Hydrobrick. Though I am still jonesin' for a Fractal Runt.

It is blowing my mind how potent it makes CBD flower. I run CBD shatter through a Dynavap with a Dynacoil and that hasn't taken me as deep as the Runt with the CBD flower.

The walnut matches my The Rogue Wax Works cache tray so nice too. @RogueGuy

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Gentleman Of Leisure
I found these straight male whip ends on ebay so I ordered the 14mm and 18mm makes ones. I already have a 14mm female bubbler mouthpiece. And I ordered the Maxx dry mouthpiece from SBL. My goal is to get the Runt to be one ring to rule them kind of thing. Like a mini OG and Mini Hyrdrobrick and Runt all in one. It gives amazing hits, feel just right in the hands, and it is super simple to pull off the herb chamber to stir and clean it. Plus it is easy enough to slip into a vape bag for travel.

If it works I might be able to slow my VAS building for an OG or Hydrobrick. Though I am still jonesin' for a Fractal Runt.

It is blowing my mind how potent it makes CBD flower. I run CBD shatter through a Dynavap with a Dynacoil and that hasn't taken me as deep as the Runt with the CBD flower.

The walnut matches my The Rogue Wax Works cache tray so nice too. @RogueGuy

That sounds like a fun setup. The airpath on the og provides good enough cooling for me. I'm curious what performance would be like through water but I don't vape at a desk or table and the OG is chunky so I'll file that whip idea away in case I have a Runt in my life at some point. Thanks for the tip!


Well-Known Member

I am not exactly sure the whip ends are going to work, but they were cheap enough to give it a shot.. If that fails a feller on the Vapelife forums mentioned that maybe I should just get a Flipbrick as they come with the 14mm and 18mm male ends. He said he only has the Flipbrick but he uses it as a mini Hydrobrick. And it would be portable or at least handheld instead of desktop. I also saw a person using a Junior mouthpiece in a Flipbrick with what looked like some silicone to hold it in place.

I just ordered a Dime Bags ten inch padded pouch as I am doing a little road trip next weekend. I hope that protects the glass enough as I definitely want my Runt with me. Will have a Flowermate for discrete public use, and a few Dynavaps. But the Runt is definitely my Numero Uno.

The OG keeps VAS calling to me though as I love the Runt so much I can just imagine how cooling and cool looking the full sized one is.
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Well-Known Member

Finally got around to snapping a pic of my daily driver. Walnut SBrunt, wpa, 6in China glass bent neck water piece. Restrictor disk in and always corked up. Lighter is a triple flame wavy.

I always have water in it, but I just cleaned all the glass and decided on a dry pic.
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