Sticky Brick Labs Vaporizer


taste buds
Just got a pack of these screens in. I didn't need new screens the original 5 are still fine. I just like to be prepared I guess. Now I have basically a lifetime supple lol.

They fit the Brick perfectly, and are a little thicker/more stiff than the original. Same size/fineness of the mesh itself.



Well-Known Member
Just got a pack of these screens in. I didn't need new screens the original 5 are still fine. I just like to be prepared I guess. Now I have basically a lifetime supple lol.

They fit the Brick perfectly, and are a little thicker/more stiff than the original. Same size/fineness of the mesh itself.

I got some just like that, it was 100 of them for like 6 bucks and that was with delivery I believe.. Maybe it was $8 but that's still a great deal as I will probably never run out. Mine are the same mesh as the original ones as well but they too are thicker. I don't mind this, i got mine from
Edit: mine were 5.95 with free shipping and they came in like less than a week. Just thought i would share a good screen source as well. I was super surprised how cheap they were and how fast I got them.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the tips stickybricks and 6079Smith. After using qtips and water, I tried running a few loads through and no luck so far. Still a very strong signs of combustion. Each of the individual pieces smell like a pipe on their own (including each of the o-rings). My friend has been borrowing it for a few weeks, and must have been combusting everyday for a good portion of that time. I left it with them so they can try and clean it some more and maybe run a few more loads through, hopefully that'll help.


Well-Known Member
@pandapysics From my understanding, the cleaning is largely aesthetic and to maybe minimize the lingering smell, it will never completely get rid of it. The carbon particulates have bonded with the wood, the good news is that they simply need to be covered over with honey, o-rings included. I left mine disassembled in front of a powerful fan an entire day for shits and giggles but I don't really think it did anything.

There's really only one proper cure, copious bowls ran through! Best "punishment" I've ever received :) I'd say with a half dozen packs mine started to diminish and by a full dozen I quit thinking about it. No trace of combustion present after and mine had started to cherry the bowl in my sole combustion event.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I cleaned mine with water but it's wood.. That didn't get rid of the combustion smell but it did help, after that I took the brick apart and let it sit in front of a fan as well lol. Idk if that did anything but after all of that the brick still smelled and tasted a bit like combustion. I just had to run like 5 chambers and it was good.. Now my whole brick smells a little dank and I love it. The bowl smells dank as fuck and there is no burnt smell or taste to speak of. This was all after the first 2 days with the brick and like 2 really bad combustion experiences. Since then I haven't combusted even a little and my brick has tasted great. As someone above me said, just run more through it and eventually that smell will go away. And also make your friend give you some tree to make it smell better. How was he combusting through it and enjoying that over and over again lol. Sounds gross and it would be cool if he gave you some meds to get the smell out haha. I mean I guess if he's a smoker he probably used it like a pipe? Good luck man I wouldn't worry too much, the smell will go away.


Well-Known Member
I know this might seem counter intuitive and I don't know if it does any damage to the bowl so I wouldn't recommend it but I was able to actually get rid of the combustion smell after a big accidental combustion bowl by torching my bowl even more. What I did was I removed the screen and put my torch(on a low setting) directly into the bowl for a few seconds until it started smoking and you could smell the burnt herb that was stuck to the bowl. I then immediately swabbed the inside of the bowl thoroughly with a paper towel and you would NOT believe how how much material came out in the paper towel. It was unreal. I'm not sure if this is good for the wood or not though so I don't know if I can recommend this.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the assurance, I'm glad to know it can be rectified and it absolutely does sound like a fun solution lol. I guess the combustion started because it got dirty. Because it was only combusting below the screen. Above the screen it was still only vaping; all the loads that came out had a nice even dark brown abv (high temp but still vaping, no black). But the particles that collected below the screen must have started combusting, because beneath the screen was all black and ashy and smelled the worst of combustion. I was really surprised they didn't notice since they have a grasshopper and an underdog. But they still smoke sometimes (they think some weed is better smoked than vaped ???) so I guess they aren't as sensitive to the smell/taste as me. And they will definitely be helping me cover the combustion with some nice vape oils.

Thanks again for the suggestions all! :D


Well-Known Member
Self-deprecating story time!

Mentioned briefly before, the full, unadulterated story of 6079Smith being a moron lol All this combustion talk has me laughing about my first night with the Brick and my only combustion event.

The day I got my Brick, I was super excited to use it and see what the hubbub about it and it's predecessor was all about. Being my first direct butane device, I earnestly watched a few vids of use until I felt pretty confident about my maiden voyage; one is simply applying heat to a medium, after all. Any dummy can do that.. and 6079Smith is certainly no dummy.

Vids done, turned on some beats. I opt to pack some Cherry AK; it seemed apropos considering my cherry finish. Medium grind, almost no tamp, 3/4" flame on the torch. Let's do this.

I decide to err way on the safe side, the absolute last thing I want is to combust. I hold the torch inordinately high with the idea of gradually closing in on the intake with a slow, steady draw, making the only user variable left the heat application. Fool proof! I slowly, slowly close in on the intake along with a steady, whisper light draw and.. instantaneous combustion, yellow and orange flame combustion! WTF?

I disassemble and peek at the bowl to assess the damage- pristine green bowl serenely staring back at me, taunting me with none of the expected travesty- huh?! I look through the intake and notice singed wood shavings along the bore. A small amount of tailings had flared up and instantly died again! Oddly tasty! I chuckle to myself, roll my eyes, and ensure no more are present.

With renewed confidence, I set about with the same technique. I softly draw and draw, torch ever closing in slowly. Nothing. Still nothing. Now the torch is getting very close.. 6079Smith is getting very puzzled.. draws harder.. just as I had the epiphany "wait a sec, isn't there a carb on this thing", that nasty yellow tinged carbon we all know and love flowed roaring into my lungs- shit, shit, shit!!!



Well-Known Member
Got my Brick in my hands finally.

The love is real. My big, beautiful walnut Brick.

I'm... I'm really loving these butane vapes - I can't really recall much else I wanted to say.

It's pretty hazy up here. >.>

Brick = 10/10

EDIT: Wow, I was railed. XD The Brick is awesome, but it's way too much fun to stop at one bowl on a test-run. I think I overdid it a touch. :science:

First impressions:

The Brick (henceforth it shall be known as, "Michael Fastbonger") is a brilliant little piece of workmanship - it's smaller than it looks in videos but big enough to look like a bubbler and the piece fits together well with pretty little tapers on each edge bar the bottom and mouthpiece-side.

It came assembled and with everything I need to get started (minus the torch due to international fuckery) and it was DEFINITELY worth the USPS-caused wait (fuck the postman!). The first rip I started low and slow and was getting decent results and then decided to kick the torch up to find my upper limit (using the Vapman torch, for reference) and took a pile of vapor to the face like a newbie.

I've had some experience with on-demand convection before (mostly using other people's vapes) but this was crazy. It was like flicking the vapor switch to, "Hey, remember that first time?" I think I remember someone here or on the Daisy thread comparing the design to doing dabs but for flower - it was very reminiscent of that full-spectrum trainwreck dab hit (something I've also only ever dabbled in), and I think that's a pretty accurate way to describe it.

The Sticky Brick Jr. is surely going to catch some use down my way now, too, (not that it wasn't before - how cute is that thing?!) and I'm sure this will be my DD for a while (if not in perpetuity). Damn near every new vape I've purchased recently has been DD-worthy but Michael Fastbonger is absolutely top of my line-up right now, taking the VapCap's crown (although the VapCap will undoubtedly take the place of portable and will still be in the rotation).

It just hits so damn hard so damn quickly. I'd love to see a full bubbler made specifically to attach to the bowl and intake blocks of this bad-boy to really get the vapor-bong set-up pitch-perfect.
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taste buds
The thought just occurred to me that the Sticky Brick might be the most pure convection vape on the market today.

Allow me to explain. The wood bowl absorbs and radiates almost zero heat. That means there is no conduction going on in the chamber. The heat source is also very far away from the material, so there is virtually zero radiative heat from the heater.

Take another "pure" convection vape, a log, for example. The glass stem will conduct heat to your material. The glass quickly gets hot enough to burn skin. If using a stainless steel tip there is even more conduction.

A log vaporizer's heater is very close to the material, enough to provide a source of radiative heat. With the Brick, the heat source is so far away it can't affect the material. You are truly just extracting with hot air.

Don't get me wrong, most "pure" convection vapes are probably at least 90% convection, and the effects of the other types of heat are minimal and help create individual vape signatures.

Thermodynamics is also very complicated so I'm sure my simplification is not 100% scientifically accurate. I am confident about the accuracy of the general foundation of my speculations.

I just think it's interesting that due to the nature of the design of the Brick, the heat source, and especially the material used to construct it, it is about as close to pure convection as you can get.


Well-Known Member
I totally forgot to let everyone know how awesome @StickyBricks is..(besides being a buckeye)(and an urban meyer fan)yes yes people he is still a good dude with all of that negativity..i kid i kid..but i had a slight wobble with my mp and he assured me it was no biggie and the had checked them and allowed for a wobble so it wouldnt be too stiff and offered to send me an extra oring to stiffen it up if i so desired..i politely declined and said it was no issue..few days later an envelope in the mailbox with a whole set of orings for the brick..and i do prefer it with an extra one..this guy is amazing customer oriented..hes the type of dude i admire and the type of person i strive to be when running my restaurant..above and beyond is the way he has done it and kidos to him..he knew i wanted the oring..its just a damn shame about the ohio state thing..


Well-Known Member
Wake and vape this morning with the brick and some Sour GSC. I love me some good cookies and it's been awhile since I've had any. Sour cookies are some of my favorite so I'm extremely stoked to have some right now. I gotta say my brick is just getting better and better every day. I keep learning how to get better hits, the brick also just starts to smell more and more dank which I think is awesome. I do have one question. I have a TON of reclaim under my glass mouthpiece in the brick, it's coming in from the stainless steel tube and just collecting down there. This stuff looks like some potent honey if I can get to it. There is literally like a half gram that I can see lol. It's a little crazy how much honey is down there. Should I just try to scoop it out? That's kinda hard but I think it could get some of it..? Or is there any other way here? I heard that using some ever clear or moonshine is a good way to clean wood? I am not to concerned as the brick is hitting like a champ and it's honey and everything tastes great, it's not like it's combustion resin stuck down there. I just don't want to wait so long that it clogs lol. Anyways I hope everyone is having a great day, after I'm done with these cookies I've gotta go be an adult for a few hours :doh: later I plan to try my first brick concentrate sandwich :o:D
Cheers everyone and have a great day


Well-Known Member
If you use shine, go lightly as the alcohol will pull residual moisture out of the wood. I use a bead scoop tool to scrape/clean and it's very handy, and cheap. (Note: I'm not endorsing jo-Ann fabrics, it's just cheap and readily available there)
Thanks man. Im obviously using this thing a lot because there's a ton of sticky down there and I would actually love to vape it lol. I will grab one of those they look perfect for what I'm trying to get done :) I may use some moonshine to do a quick wash at some point but my brick has no combustion or smell issues, it smells great and if I can just scoop the claim out and q tip the rest with water that's what I will try to stick to.


Well-Known Member
If you use shine, go lightly as the alcohol will pull residual moisture out of the wood. I use a bead scoop tool to scrape/clean and it's very handy, and cheap. (Note: I'm not endorsing jo-Ann fabrics, it's just cheap and readily available there)

FYI you can find the same thing by searching "scoopula" on Amazon, eBay, wherever


Well-Known Member
I've had my Brick for a month or so now, and between the dry weather and running the ac the air has been really dry, and the walnut seems to be drying out a bit. What do you guys use to condition and protect the wood?

Would something like this be good?
Pretty sure sticky bricks sells stuff.. I am lucky enough to have some triihouse butter but haven't used it yet. @StickyBricks is it ok for me to use that? Or should I get some of your stuff?

Slow Draw McGraw

Well-Known Member
Company Rep
I've had my Brick for a month or so now, and between the dry weather and running the ac the air has been really dry, and the walnut seems to be drying out a bit. What do you guys use to condition and protect the wood?

Would something like this be good?
Anything with "natural and food grade" always strikes a good chord with me.
In my opinion, that should work fine.

Pretty sure sticky bricks sells stuff.. I am lucky enough to have some triihouse butter but haven't used it yet. @StickyBricks is it ok for me to use that? Or should I get some of your stuff?
You can use it. It will work great.
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