I am Homo Vapcap. Butane will never run out in my household!
However, the Junior has arrived and I separated myself with it in my office. I just tried it for the first few times and am a bit surprised:
Everything is as expected. The Cedar wood is beautiful, build quality is great. A wonderful device. I even managed to get some good rips out of it without combusting. Very promising, all well and shiny.
BUT: It tastes like fish. I cannot describe it otherwise. My mouth feels as if I cleaned a whole fishmarket with my tongue. It's a bit disgusting and absolutely not what I would have expected. It's definitely not my material. The same buds taste marvellous in my Vapcap/Milaana/Vapman/...
It's just with the Sticky Brick Junior. The Cedar might play a role (maybe it's not THAT non-aromatic). But it can't be only that. I am really confused right now and hope that the taste will wear off over time. I could not tell the flavours of my weed with that vape. Impossible. Don't know what to think at the moment.
//Edit, some more hits later. Taste aside - That thing hits like a truck. I have a meeting in 30mins and guess that I need sunglasses to cover my red glowing small eyes...