I seem to have a bad case of VAS
I haven't been using the Junior that much this winter. I don't spend as much time out and about, and at home I usually reach for my OG Brick. I decided I needed to change that so I've been enjoying using my Junior the past few days.
It needs a little different technique than it's big brother, and isn't quite as smooth because of the shorter vapor path. I actually prefer the more robust vapor profile of the Junior, it's not harsh at all, just has a bit of a bite to it. I believe the e-cig guys call that "throat hit".
This throat hit actually makes it a little easier to judge the vapor temperature. With my OG it's so smooth I mostly rely on visual feedback, and I don't like using it in the dark for that reason. With the Junior I can use it simply by feel, I could probably keep my eyes closed once I have the torch in place.
It's been nice switching it up, and I'm determined not to neglect Junior in the future. It really is a fantastic vaporizer, desktop performance that fits in your pocket, 'nuff said! Stay Sticky everybody!
I know the feeling. At home I almost always reach for my OG, but luckily my SO will reach for the junior so it sees more love from her. I still use it often, like taking it out on the balcony when the stars are out.
I think your described the difference between the OG and junior perfectly. I didn't have a reference point and always said it hit me harder in the lungs, but throat hit sounds more accurate. I can also take the junior farther darkening than the OG. I'm sure it has to do with the short/bent heat intake.