Black Friday couldn't come fast enough or at a better time!
So I've had my SBJ for a week now, she arrived the same day as my Maxx from PIU, outstanding service from Jake!
Unfortunately, the SBJ hasn't gotten a true fair shake yet, I've fallen in love with the Maxx!
I've used the SBJ a fair amount, much more than a first impression type situation, but I've yet to get to all the nuances because of the Maxx.
I've sort of fallen into a modified
@Vapor_Eyes pattern, which I have found to be the most consistent formula for me with it. My changes are when I start to taste or feel the vapor, I don't speed up right away, I keep it consistent and back the flame off to ride her a little, then I go VE on her and increase the flame and drawspeed. I am roasting these loads down to nothing!
Early on I was probably running her a little too hot, and I probably still am

, but that will come with more use and play time.
The one thing that I truly believe in after using these is Butane as a heat source. I was originally put off by the thought and thought of the hot parts after use. But the Lotus almost got me and then the early talks of these got me thinking. A Milaana got the portable, instant convection need tattooed on my brain and here we are.
I find Butane to add enough moisture to the vapor to make a noticeable difference. I really like using it. I have not had a problem with heat or hot parts and it gives me yet another gadget to chase after (TAS, torch acquisition syndrome). For any of you considering but hesitant, or feeling it's something you know nothing about, it's actually much simpler than figuring out batteries lol! Go for it, I'm really glad I did!
The only two negatives I've encountered to day are the torch not working out of the box with this unit (one for the Maxx worked so I wasn't stranded, and I have more on the way in addition to the three I purchased locally) and yesterday I somehow broke the mouthpiece.
It was boxed up and I was about to leave when something in my hand shifted and I lost my handle on the case for a second. It never fell, I caught it within my hand, but an abrupt stop moved the lid. I didn't think anything of it at the time, except wow, that was close! A few minutes later I heard glass and found it snapped right at the 90.
I'm not sure if it will void my warranty or not, but I think I'm going to look into a way to mount a post on each end in the lid with two matching holes in the center top section. The lid as-is may keep the dust out and things from falling on the glass, but it doesn't protect during transportation, which is why I want the portable version! My lid is always upside down with the pick stuck to it when not in use, the pegs won't bother me there, could be a big help with protection though.
Tomorrow I'll be ordering backup parts for both units, I would have either way, I'm usually overstocked with anything I use for times like this.
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you wonderful brickheads and especially the SB team here on FC for bringing us these incredible units