started vaping now throat hurts`?


Well-Known Member
hi guys!

after long time of smoking weed i finally coughed up the cash for a volcano vaporizer. im very happy with it!
so for the last 6 days i stopped smoking completely, before i smoked ~5 joints a day.

I notice i vape a lot less weed!

but one thing today i woke up and my throat hurts and i got a weird taste in my mouth.

could it be all the crap from the lungs is now coming out or sth?


Well-Known Member
Not sure. I drink plenty of water which usually takes away any throat discomforts I have. When I first starting vaping there was an adjustment period where I was hacking up a bunch of bullshit, but it only took me a few days or so to adjust and now I have way less irritation than when I smoked.

On a side note, since I started vaping I have only tried smoking twice. Once was about a month and a half back when a friend of mine had a bowl of hydro burning and I took a hit. All I tasted was ashtray. I would rather vape regs than smoke the high grade.


Ia! Ia! Vapor Fthagn!
yeah hydration is the key, vape can dry your throat and tongue out if you like too vape alot which can lead to both irritation and messing with how things can taste... keep something handy too sip on whilst vaporizing. And if not sipping, keep a bit of liquid in your mouth while taking the hit and that should help. I had this same problem my first month of vaping.
it also can dry out your lips too, I tend to use any whip or mouth piece by holding it a bit past my lips so that the vape doesn't come into contact with my lips, i've noticed lots of essential oils dry my lips out like using too much chapstick can sometimes do


Well-Known Member
thx guys seems like i got some kind of sinusitis or sth?
got this really foul taste in my mouth and i coughed up some really nasty shit today, also my throat hurts.

ill just take it as a sign of my body cleaning all the shit out ;)


Harry Mooseknuckle
Smoking be it be weed or tobacco has similar effectls on your lungs one of the first things that happens is that your cilia which are tiny hairs that coat the insides of your lungs start to die off. Now when you quit smoking these hairs grow back this is when you start coughing like crazy after a week or so your lungs have gotten most of the crap out and you should stop coughing.
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