I don't understand why anyone wouldn't like the bags? Bags are the best fun! You can see how thick the vapor is and carry it around with you. Also you can achieve SSV hits if you blow a bag with pretty fresh bud at fan speed 1, you can also get those hits if you use the whip with fan speed 1(super thick hits).
How come the SSv doesn't have digital temp display? It seems like to be a high quality vape you need that, or is it just keeping it aesthetic. Because the SSV does look very nice, i definitely like the look of the SSV over the extreme, at the same time i like the extremes bowl position, where the bowl is upright and you can see the herb. IMO extreme has best bowl design, ssv has a very cool looking hand kit/bowl though. For me it's always been function over aesthetics, that why i would go extreme hands down. I think the only vaporizer i would ever buy just for aesthetics would have to be a vape that was made to look like a traditional ancient hookah with multiple whips. I truly adore everything about hookahs and have always wanted one

. If i was to get another vape it would be PD, because i need a stealth vape and i just love the design. My favorite part about the extreme is it blows my mind harder in one drag than any other smoking device i have ever used(bong, handpipe, box vape). The most disliked thing about the extreme is it's sturdiness, it can be knocked over easier than the ssv, but it's not like im using it to tee off...so its fine

I know you guys hate people ranting about their opinions but it's just another point of view for people to take into consideration.