Well-Known Member
If you think the DSM is a "falsifying document", think there are very few true mental disorders, and think medications for psychiatric disorders aren't beneficial, you are clearly uneducated on the matter, and shouldn't be giving advice.The DSM and these legally F.alsifying D.ocuments A.lways approved poisons are NOT good at all. In fact you're killing yourself! Think patients for profit not for curing. It's right in your face!
There has NEVER been and there still is NO WAY to measure exactly what the chemicals in the brain do, how they work with others in the body exactly and brain and how much is released from the brain and other glands and such. Think dosages here people!
Yay to guessing and telling the duped masses it's good for you. Just go look up the fucking deadly ingredients people!
Do you really care for your health or is it better to hit the lazy easy button. Read and comprehend what I've stated here folks. Don't change the topic I've brought up. It's specific.
You can't argue with 100% factual truths. If you do you've been brainwashed into someone's reality other than yours. Yeah it stings but it's up to you to swallow the red pill and awaken.
It's called a real diet, exercise and healthy thoughts and people in your life. It's simple!
There are only a few yes a FEW true mental illnesses. The others are made for the suckers and for lining the pockets of the corporations and their backers. Nuff said.... drops the damn mic!
- formerly a duped poison taker now I'm educated, awake and even better truly ALIVE!
"Real diet, exercise, healthy thoughts, and people in your life" are all beneficial, but by no means, even close to being able to cure many afflictions. If you think those things will cure Bi-Polar disorder, schizophrenia, etc., you really have no idea what you're talking about.
I'm not trying to be harsh, but that's the reality. The amount of uninformed commentary about psychological/psychiatric health on this forum is way too high. It's understandable that it is the way it is, given the biased demographic here, but it still needs to be called out, so others don't get brainwashed by the nonsense.
You can seriously ruin someone's life by giving them bad/uneducated medical advice. A lot of people need to be medicated with prescription drugs to function properly, and to live happy/healthy lives. When they hear stuff like this on a cannabis forum, and believe it, they are likely to resist proper treatment.