I may be investing in a few of these Slick Pads

every time I come to this forum, I end up adding something to the "need to buy" list
I've decided to cut my SSTB to be able to do 1/8th or less runs. I like the idea of being able to make smaller batches for sample purposes, with new strains, and for the easier purge. I still don't have a vac, and while I'm managing to get stable clear sap/shatter, with no bubbles, etc...it takes a little time without a vac. The less oil/solvent in the dish,(more surface area per unit of oil) the easier to purge out the solvent.
So, before I took the pipe cutter to it (which went great) I did one last larger run. Every time I do a run, I keep the bud from it in a jar afterwards. I have a decent amount now, and decided it was time for a second run with it all! I didn't weigh anything in or out, just filled the baster, and ran
The stuff came out nice looking, and smelling, for second run. I haven't dabbed any yet, waiting on my glass to dry.
Pics were taken with an iPhone 4s, with a "macro lens" from a dvd player.
Edit* I'll post pics of my first small run, when I go to the dispensary next!