Special smell situation... ?

I live in the studio apartment right above the lobby in my building. This means two problems.

One is that blowing my (extreme q) vapor smoke out the window is going pretty directly at everyone going in and out of the build... and the super's window is right near there too.

The other problem is that the only door in my studio (aside from the bathroom, which I think is a poor place to keep an electronic device) is the front door, so I imagine some of the smell getting into the hall. My door is right in front of the only staircase, so many, many people pass by it.

What I've been doing is putting a sheet over my kitchen doorway with a fan in the window to help dilute the smell with constant blowing, but I'm pretty sure many of the people in my building know I've been smoking...

When it was summertime and I was able to keep the fan on constantly, I don't think anyone knew I was smoking 24/7.

My biggest issue is that I don't have a sense of smell, so I've got no way to test any setup. I'm looking for a surefire way to mask the smell, because I can't move again for a while. I'm willing to get creative. What do you suggest?

Warden Trance,


Well-Known Member
If the smell issues are mainly with exhaled vapor, the smokebuddy (or an oldfashioned dryer sheet sploof) does an excellent job at making vapor smell nonexistant.
Also, if you stick to smaller low-temperature hits, and hold it in long, you can also drastically reduce the smell to almost non-existant.

Personally I find my smell problems come from the process of grinding fresh nugs for that sesh, not so much the vapor itself (unless the heat is cranked)


Vaporizer Superstore
As SD said, the smoke buddy or dryer sheet method will cover up any smells that may concern you. Also you could pick up some air freshioner such as Refresh which would also keep your place smelling nice. Luckily the vapor doesn't linger like smoke and the scent isn't as dank.


Student of Vapor
you could test your set up's, if they include a fan to pull the smell out, by spraying a can of febreeze or lysol in the area you are vaping/smoking and watch where the particles from the spray go. this will help you see if the fan is effective in pulling the smell out of your room. good ol' college trick i learned this year :brow:


Noob Saibot
Ahh yeah another college trick I used to see where the air is going is use a Incense stick. Light it - and see where the smoke goes.

Maybe just make a fabric softener tube type thing, and spray some febreeze afterwards?

Another thing I do sometimes is spray my favorite perfume around the door frame, so when the air draws out it get mixed with the perfume.
SD_Haze and Vapornation, the dryer roll method sounds good, though I have vague memories of a mouth tasting like laundry when my friends and I used to do that.

HighlyEducatedScholar, your test is an excellent idea.

Sessnet, I'm picturing your avatar wearing perfume and lmao.

Thanks all.

Is it possible that with the dryer sheets and low vaping temp that I'd be able to keep the window closed? Or is the open window necessary no matter what?
Warden Trance,


Student of Vapor
i vape in my college dorm room literally on a daily basis with people walking down the halls all the time. no dryer sheets, no sprays to mask the smell, and the windows are closed. my roommates have assured me its undetectable from outside but inside the room you can smell it a bit. i'd say you're most likely safe with just dryer sheets, low vape temp and a closed window. having the window open would just be an extra precaution IMO. i use the MFLB btw as a comparison.


Wych Doctor
My EQ is excellent at fragrancing the flat. A few drops of essential oils on a small piece of bunched up tissue in the pot pourri bowl, temp to 100c and fan 1. In 5 few minutes the whole flat can be smelling nice and will over power an vape smell.
So, if you have more then 1 vape you can use your EQ to cover the smell while you vape with the other. Or, just do the pot pourri bowl before and after your session.


Vapeosaurus Rex
Get the smokebuddy from amazon, it is amazing! only $12 and you can blow SMOKE and VAPOR through it and it cuts out ALL VAPOR, and drastically reduces ANY Smell
These are great suggestions!

The method that works best (so far) is a sheet over the bathroom door, no window opened for smoking, followed by hot shower and window opened at the top and bottom for rapid, skyward expulsion.

The dryer sheet method with the double window did not conceal the smell. Though it was because of the direction of the air, the dryer sheets still didn't function.

I'd like to try the essential oils method next because a shower after every high is a bit excessive.
Warden Trance,


Out to lunch
a shower after every high is a bit excessive.
I'd say so. I've never heard of anyone going that far to eliminate vapor odor. You said in your first post that you don't have a sense of smell. The trouble you're going to, in order to cover/remove the odor, sounds like you're using someone with a keen nose for a tester, and they're raising the alarm when the slightest smell is detected. It's much easier, for odor purposes, to limit your hit size, thereby limiting the amount of vapor you exhale, than to resort to showers or covering doors. Small hits, along with some covering aromatherapy, should be all you need. Vapor is not nearly as strong as smoke, odor wise, and it dissipates much quicker.

vapor 4 life

Well-Known Member
Forget the dryer sheets, incense, cologne or perfume All these thing ruin the vape experience ( for me at least) And if your herb stinks then the vapor will stink. even in a mflb The smoke buddy would be a great lox cost solution depending on the vape you use or you can get an ionic breeze from ebay or sharper image or better yet a small carbon filter and 4 inch in line fan ( quieter but more $) from a hydro store or ebay . This set up will cost you 250ish but you will rest assured the smell issue in your apartment will be fixed.
vapor 4 life,


Well-Known Member
Ok first. STOP SMOKING! SMOKE FUCKING SMELLS! not to mention it lingers for a while. So stop smoking and just vaporize! You know what we say here!

Next up, i say avoid any sprays, as these are usually strong and contain chemicals you dont want to inhale, and your space doesnt seem to have much airflow at all right now.

Get a smokebuddy! its worked amazing for smoke and would work wonders with vapor! You may not need any precaution besides this! but since you cant test it, opening the window for a bit while you vape in addition to using the smokebuddy would be your best bet.

And if you dont already, try to get the best vaporizing material possible! the stronger it is the less actual vapor you should have to inhale.

I would imagine though, that having to use a smokebuddy on every hit all of the time, could eventually become, how should i say it... annoying? for lack of a better word. So i would suggest you try not to take super smokey looking thick hits, take some smaller hits that you will be able to absorb more of and exhale less of.

edit: a different vaporizer could help too, the EQ is sort of made for those bigger hits with a good amount of exhaled vapor.


If you can afford it, this will resolve the issue -
and provide lots of clean air and ventilation in your apartment as well.
I got one of these when my daughter was born 13 years ago as ventilation in my then girlfriend's apartment was bad, and it was very helpful.
I was able to find one half price through a distributor I found in one of the local for sale "newsgroup" message boards.
Anyway it's still going strong, I keep it in my place now and run it on low when partying intensively especially when other people are here. It's virtually silent at low speed.
If the lesser expensive negative ion generators do the trick, then go that route - I have no idea...
Also, I don't do this to eliminate smell but it does - I have a ceramic aromatherapy tea light oil diffuser. I'll light say either a soy or beeswax tea light candle and place it in the diffuser, fill the upper cavity with distilled water and add about 8 drops of oil - orange is nice, for example. Not only does it absorb smell and not only does it produce a very pleasant smell, it's extremely pleasant to chill with when you're vaping. It affects your mood in a positive way also.


Part Time Vaporist
I have one comment to make to anyone suggesting or using perfumes, febreeze, air fresheners, etc...please try and be respectful of others when using anything that is going to travel beyond your personal space. There are people in this world who are allergic to strong smells...especially artificial ones. Me and my wife are two examples of this. If I even walk past someone wearing too much perfume in a store it can give me a headache that lasts for hours...not to mention trouble breathing. My wife on the other hand sometimes ends up bedridden for days with migraines and nausea.

You should always try and remove the bad odors...not cover them up. Think filter and clean...not spray and forget. There are many air filter/purifiers on the market and most of them work pretty well. Also keep in mind that for the smell to linger...it has to have something to linger on/in. Keep your floors/carpets clean. Keep your furniture dusted and free of clutter. Keep your clothes put away. All of these will help reduce lingering odors.


Vapor Sloth
+1 for the SmokeBuddy. Just purchased my first one 2 weeks ago and it really works fantastic. In fact, it might even warrant its own thread, and short review, in the vapor related equipment forum.



Well-Known Member
I always liked just placing a dryer sheet over the back of my fan, with my window open. Then I would leave the fan on for a little while after I was done vaping.
Again, thanks to everyone for your suggestions!

I think I've been able to get the smell to a minimum. The solution has ultimately been smaller hit sizes in the bathroom (without the windows, which pushes the smell right into the hall), though it kinda sucks that I won't be able to smoke comfortably again until the summer. I can't wait to move into a place with a bit more privacy. This apartment is a nuisance.
Warden Trance,
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