Where effects just generally weak for you compared to others or totally non effective? Edibles are realllly hit and miss for me. Ones that i know are pretty strong and just wreck my buddies i can eat 4x their dose and get like a mild buzz. Otoh once i had an edible that had me SUPER lit for over 18hrs, it had tons of hash in it though lol.
Tried a lazy edible the other weekend i took about 1/4g of wand hash, a 1.2g soy lech gel cap, mixed into 12oz whole milk microwaved til almost boiling, added instant mocha mix, stirred up well. Consumed on a empty stomach, should have given a cpl extra minutes to let the gel cap break down a bit better.
Results...... mediocre but usually is for me. Will continue to test in the name of

of course.
Anyone else using wand hash or oil rig reclaim for edibles? What kind of dosages are guys finding work for you?