Well-Known Member
Awesome! I just ordered my first Source product, an Orb V4 attachment.
I'm also curious about this?What are you favourite Source atomizers for which type of concentrate with the Orb 4?
Awesome! I just ordered my first Source product, an Orb V4 attachment.
I'm also curious about this?What are you favourite Source atomizers for which type of concentrate with the Orb 4?
@SOURCEvapes I am loving your coil-less atomizers on TC mode now that I finally have my mod configured & dialed in just right. I was really looking forward to trying the completely sealed and side heated design of the Terra 2, but I just read that it shouldn't be used on TC mode. Can you tell me why the Terra 2 and Quartz+ atomizers won't work on TC mode like the rest of the coil-less atomizers?
Has anyone tried the new source nail bubbler attachments?
Which one is better the percolator or the recycler?
Recycler looks cooler, but honestly, the Percolator is the favorite around here.
Why does it filter/cool the vapor better?
The percolator is way too phallic looking
Is there a regulated box mod out there that has an adjustable cutoff timer?
So I ended up getting the recycler. It wasn't part of the 420 sale so I used my reward points and still got a nice discount. Source vapes give you a generous amount of reward pts on your 1st purchase leading to potential big discounts for the next one.
It works much better than the OE bubbler and the glass attachment to the O ring of the bucket base is much more tighter and secure. With this it sits nice and sturdy atop the Alien 220W, although I can see there being balancing issues if you were to attach it to a smaller single battery mod.
So far I've been using only the ceramic bucket and overall I enjoy the Source nail 510 attachment.
My only gripes: the glass carb cap/dap pick piece is way too thin and fragile. I ended up breaking it the 1st day! Luckily any lollipop style carbcap/dab pick will work just fine.
Another gripe is I have to cycle through the 12-sec fire button cutoff timer at least 4 times before the coil is heated enough for the vapor to begin flowing trough. I don't know if this is normal or if it's an issue with the atomizers or the mod? Is there a regulated box mod out there that has an adjustable cutoff timer?
Check out the thread linked below. This firmware can get you up to 25 secs before protection kicks in, last time I checked.
Can you guys help me configure an Orb 4 with a Joyetech mod?
So far I've only been able to get decent hits when using:
Gr2 Ti atomizer - Temp Ti - 15-28W
I set my TCR value between 300-400 for M1 and tried TCR M1 with no luck.
I also tried the double quartz & double ceramic coils but they only wasted my product on both Temp Ti and TCR M1.
Clearly I just need to familiarize myself further.
Thanks for the reply!Do you mean the SOURCE nail Titanium atomizer? Use Ni setting, it works much better. The lower the wattage/temp, the longer it takes to get a big hit.
Also, if you're using TC mode, check to see if you can raise the power, so that the battery uses a higher wattage to achieve your set temperature.
Make sure to check out the information on all of our 4 Series atomizers in our FAQ.
Anyone else ever melt there source dab tool?!!!
They must be made out of some kind of stainless steel, cause I went to clean the tools residue by heating it with a torch for a few seconds like I do with any grade 2 titanium dabbers and the tip literally bubbled up and melted away!
Seriously dangerous to call your dab tools premium quality (as there listed on the website) with no mention that they are not even titanium grade dab tools, that's totally irresponsible and unsafe!!
usually when something is labeled 'Premium" that implies high quality standards not cheap shit!
Could be just me, but I assumed it was pretty standard at this point for dab tools to be made of grade 2 titanium or better. especially coming from a large vape company like source that has money for research and development, you expect a certain standard. This would be expected if this was a knock off from china, but I brought my kit from the source website.
and one of the reasons I choose the premium kit vs just buying the orb 4 attachment, and using an aftermarket mod was that I figured I could use a spare dab tool with different tips.
Can't believe I used your cheap ass "premium" dab tools on my dab rig assuming it was titanium like any other "decent" quality dab tools are these days.
Extremely unimpressed!!
Hit it with a torch to clean the residue off and watch what happens.That has not happened to me...
Hit it with a torch to clean the residue off and watch what happens.
Just the tool they send they list it as a premium tool which I took to mean that it was titanium since it's a dab tool. I had been using it to dab with on my rig as my old dab tool was MIA. It wasn't until I went to clean the tool off with my torch and it melted and bubbled. Just can't believe that I was dabbing off my rig with it.eek. are you all referring to the tools shipped with the source orbs or the source enails?
I had the exact same thing happen to mine they really need to clarify that I was dabbing with that on my rig before mine melted. Not safe at all.