Some advices about vaping


New Member
Hi all,
It is hard to find some good information about dry herb vaping. I need some more insights. Want to start use dry herb vaporizer for CBD. Actually I already ordered DHV and some CBD flowers (8 g for start) .What I know (maybe it is not fully true) is that dry herb vape of CBD herb is far healthier than smoking (whether it is weed, CBD, cigarettes etc, combustion). Also it is healthier than vaping CBD cartridges. For example, before cartridges, I rolled some weed, and it was really joy to smoke. No cough, nothing. Vaping cartridges sometimes I feel some strange feel in my lungs, which never happened with smoking. Only thing to even get it more safer, is good , not cheap vaporizer, premium CBD flower ( no pesticides, no metals)
I am not really smoker, did it on weekends during high school and sometimes during college. And I am planning to vape it daily (or few days per week) like 1 session daily. So I think that can not make some serious health issues and lung issues .. What do you think ? :) thanks


Microbe minion
I'm not really sure what you're asking here. But what I will say is that vaping is different to smoking. When I was kicking combustion I found vapor to be really irritating. Water helps with this but steals some goodies. You have to persist with the irritation and it will get better for you, like smoking did when you first started doing that. You're completely correct in your assumption that better material leads to better experiences.


New Member
I'm not really sure what you're asking here. But what I will say is that vaping is different to smoking. When I was kicking combustion I found vapor to be really irritating. Water helps with this but steals some goodies. You have to persist with the irritation and it will get better for you, like smoking did when you first started doing that. You're completely correct in your assumption that better material leads to better experiences.
Hm, I think or I thought to ask will it be good for me and my health. But I know that is stupid question.
I bought glass bubbler with my DHV. That will easy things and vapor for my lungs. Will see

Should I start slowly, short puffs or longer? And one session per day, or 2-3 per week in the beginning?
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Microbe minion
A shorter draw will yield less actives, that will probably irritate less. So yeah, start with shorter puffs. It does depend on the style of vape your using, but for the one you've got on the way it should work well. You might be ok doing mouth too lung draws like smoking, but it would take some time to finish the bowl that way... Definately worth trying to see how you like it though.


Herbal Engineer
I ca only speak from my own subjective experience. I combusted daily for a decade. By the end was always coughing out black carbon tar mucus and short on breath and wheezy. When I switched over to vaping the black tar mucus went away, I stopped coughing and wheezing even while vaping, and I can run and play with my kids without running out of breath constantly.

Compared to combustion it has been night and day for me. I used to clean nasty layers of carbon tar out of my pieces all the time, now I collect condensed pure hash oil like you get from concentrate reuse while all that nasty carbon crap stays in the spent abv flower. Now that my tastebuds have healed up the taste of combustion makes me gag.

That's my testimony, IMO vaping is way healthier than smoking.


Well-Known Member
If you're asking if vaping is healthier than smoking: yes, it would definitely seem so. We know that combustion creates a range of toxins & irritants that vaporization does not, so opting for the latter would presumably be the way to go! I'd never claim that it's completely benign, but it's got to be a whole lot better than inhaling soot 😁


New Member
Yeah, I know that vaping is like a lot healthier than combustion.
And yes, I am asking that..hehe

But I am not planning to smoke it daily, like a real smoker. Just casual, as I like it and as it is cool.
Also reason why I didn't smoke before is because I don't want to be addicted to it. Vaping CBD is like relaxing way to "smoke"
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