Solo 3 or Mighty+?


Well-Known Member
It should be Tiny Might vs Solo3 plus your choice of other Arizers. Apples? Oranges?
At least it’s Apples to Apples on price.
Well, he compared it to the Mighty in that specific comment I answered to, so I answered to what he wrote. The issue is similar with the Solo3, still not pocketeable (or discreet to use in public) even if not as bad as the Mighty.


Active Member

Within the context of my use case (which was kind of implied by the thread we are in) it’s absolutely fair to compare them or really any devices. Sounds almost contradictory to say but comparing devices in a specific context isn’t the same as saying they’re generally comparable in specs or features, which seems to be what you have perceived from my comment. I like what you said about being able to split the pocket mass though, I’ve never considered that before.

The “why” of it being thirsty (the aforementioned power) is of absolutely no relevance to me if I can’t use it out and about without extra cells. I don’t need the extra heater power so the trade offs are simply negatives to me, rather than trade offs.

Another bit of extra context, is that personally I really dislike the routine of externally charging, storing and swapping cells.

USB-C charging and a strong battery life are a big deal for me - I’ll credit my tinymight experience to highlighting that and the need for conduction as a key factor in my next electric vape. It’s not suited for me and that’s just fine.

Anyway, back to the topic of this thread.

I went for the Solo 3, and man is it exactly what I was searching for in an electric portable. I’ve used it for a month or so now to make sure I’m not honeymooning before sharing my thoughts.

Honestly it’s ticked all the boxes for me. I’d say it sort of sits between the mighty and tinymight whilst avoiding a lot of the things I dislike about those devices, and doing the things I like even better.

It hits hard, has battery life that lasts me two/three days of heavy use, and it’s a very sturdy device that I’ve had no issue knocking around in my pockets. Seeing the comments about it not being particularly portable goes to show how subjective this stuff is - I wear standard chino trousers and it slots in the pockets just fine, along with the aroma tube and a small pot of material. Using it in public is no issue either, but I do have big hands which covers a lot of it admittedly.

Flavour is incredible too. Lower temps spread it out across the session, while higher temps give you a punchier flavour quicker. I’ll speak on this more shortly.

I currently use it mainly in session mode. I don’t notice myself getting any higher using on demand, and the roast isn’t as even. I’ll play around with it more though, there’s probably more performance I can get out of it yet.

People say this device has some convection but I think it’s very minor if there is any, although you can really feel the moment when the conduction heat punches through the glass and into the load because the vapour will start pumping out of nowhere. Again, I probably need to experiment more but I just can’t seem to get any vapour production that I’d confidently attribute to convection as of yet. Sometimes a loose pack and on demand level V seems to feel a little headier than my usual routine with it?

The roasty taste does tend to come in quickly at >200c. I like this, as the flavour is very clear and “front loaded” and then the higher temp conduction comes in thick and fast and clears the now flavour less bowl swiftly. If you go below 200c you can get quite a nice extended session with a more spread out flavour profile.

Clearing a bowl in >200c session mode isn’t really a whole lot slower than clearing a DV bowl in two heat cycles - there’s a lot of extraction power and performance here despite the relatively low wattage of the heater. It’s a really clever and efficient design that avoids the need for a high wattage heater and everything that comes with it.

A small negative is the stems and the learning curve in terms of packing them the right way. I have to grind and pack it just the right way otherwise it is extremely harsh on my throat when tight, or bits fall onto the heater if loose. I’m getting better at it but at first it seemed the balance between too tight and too loose was incredibly hard to strike. With time I think this will be a non issue but it bares mentioning for those with sensitive airways.

I think this device would be really good for a combustion convert because the thickness and warmth of the vapour and the throat hit is very reminiscent of those days for me. The effects are heavy as well. I feel very satisfied after a bowl in the solo 3 whereas with the convection devices I’ve used I feel like I’m chasing a feeling and never quite catching it. Subjective I know, but worth mentioning for those who feel the same as me.
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New Member
I'm owning the Air 2, Solo 3, Mighty, Dynavap and other vapes.
I would choose the Solo 3. I'm very happy with it.
In my opinion you will get the best flavor and best extraction result.
In addition you can use the xl chamber. I like the way it hits me :)


Active Member
I'm owning the Air 2, Solo 3, Mighty, Dynavap and other vapes.
I would choose the Solo 3. I'm very happy with it.
In my opinion you will get the best flavor and best extraction result.
In addition you can use the xl chamber. I like the way it hits me :)
Yep, I would agree with this.

I’ve seen the Solo 3 described as an electric anvil (which is a vape I hold in very high regards and the hardest hitting portable I’ve used) and I think it’s a very fitting comparison in terms of extraction and signature.

Unless you’re not keen on the conduction I think this vape has something to offer vaporists of all experience levels


Big and Bouncy
I think this device would be really good for a combustion convert because the thickness and warmth of the vapour and the throat hit is very reminiscent of those days for me. The effects are heavy as well. I feel very satisfied after a bowl in the solo 3 whereas with the convection devices I’ve used I feel like I’m chasing a feeling and never quite catching it. Subjective I know, but worth mentioning for those who feel the same as me.
I agree with this. The S3 has been the best portable I've found that matches a joint or blunt style experience. Especially on lower temps and with an XL bowl. The hybrid heating style allows thick vapor to flow easily which is not easily achieved with convection only devices. I love seeing rings of vapor around my head and curling wisps of vapor around me while enjoying a long session.

The slight draw restriction seems to mimic a joint mouthfeel for me as well. The Solo does a great job of ramping up the temps to match the natural cooling of your draw, similar to how the cherry on a joint behaves. All in all, it's the most satisfying portable I've come across for the joint type experience.

Lately I've been loading XL bowls and temp stepping my way through a 10min session using presets of 328F, 358F and 378F. It's super satisfying. It's also very surprising for me because I own a Stunner and for a long while I felt that the cigar style metal ball vape format was better suited to matching a joint experience, but that isn't the case anymore.
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Active Member
It's also very surprising for me because I own a Stunner and for a long while I felt that the cigar style metal ball vape format was better suited to matching a joint experience, but that isn't the case anymore.

This has been so true for me. I saw the TA as the closest thing to a joint experience, but what I get with the Solo 3 is so much closer.

Absolutely right with the lower temp sessions, they produce full, tasty clouds for a good while.

Even on higher temp though, I can take a series of relaxed small puffs and get a medium length session that hits a bit quicker and heavier. If I don’t want that, I can do big pulls with shorter intervals and the heater can keep up.

It’s simply there and ready with the heat no matter what you do, it’s really impressive.


Big and Bouncy
Even on higher temp though, I can take a series of relaxed small puffs and get a medium length session that hits a bit quicker and heavier. If I don’t want that, I can do big pulls with shorter intervals and the heater can keep up.

It’s simply there and ready with the heat no matter what you do, it’s really impressive.
Hit the nail on the head here. The heater is both agile and powerful. When you pull, it brings the heat.
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Well-Known Member
Solo 3 rocks. Been my maine latel. Even brought it around to friends and on the bar/clubs.

I break off bits and load it when I don't have more pre grinded bud. That works really good. I set it to 195-200c session and it extracts so well and just like a joint but better. Been sharing with friends and all is surprised and pleased with the taste and effects. Very happy I bought this fella


Active Member
Something else I love about the Solo and Arizer in general, is how big and well developed the stem market is.

Aliexpress has some wonderful stuff especially, if you can wait. Although my recent order took around 7 days from order to my doorstep - which is pretty good from china.

I know some users on here are a bit funny about buying from china, but if you shop wisely you’ll often find what you receive is suspiciously similar to the Sneaky Pete/420EDC/etc offerings.

These are my current favourites. I got the 90mm straight, two of them. They’re actually a little longer than OG stems, as the tube my OG stems came in doesn’t quite shut fully with these. We’re talking a few MM difference but it still seals.

They’re very good though, the dimples get sticky with reclaim and then catch all the particulate. Cooling is slightly better than OG but nothing to write home about. I mainly like them for keeping particles out of my inhale.

I’m not really a big WPA guy, so having so many options as a solely native user is a refreshing change from some other vapes I’ve had.

I think next on the list will be a much longer curved 3D stem, for using at home.

Anyone else got some recommendations? I’m UK based


Big and Bouncy
I think next on the list will be a much longer curved 3D stem, for using at home.
For cooling at home where the options are bigger, I highly recommend using the WPA and a separate dry pipe. Like this.

This pipe is popular on DHgate and you just need a 18/14mm reducer (can also find on DHGate). I've switched to using the WPAs with dry pipes exclusively actually since I like having standard 14mm cooling options and using the Solo inverted keeps everything much cleaner with no chance of weed bits falling into the oven. Also, the WPAs become like a capsule system you can pre-load.
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Active Member
For cooling at home where the options are bigger, I highly recommend using the WPA and a separate dry pipe. Like this.

This pipe is popular on DHgate and you just need a 18/14mm reducer (can also find on DHGate). I've switched to using the WPAs with dry pipes exclusively actually since I like having standard 14mm cooling options and using the Solo inverted keeps everything much cleaner with no chance of weed bits falling into the oven. Also, the WPAs become like a capsule system you can pre-load.
I really like the look of this one. It’s very similar to the long 3d stem I’ve had my eye on but with the advantage of inverting the solo. Perhaps this will enable a looser pack to explore the supposed convection this device has

I bet it’s really nice having a big glass pipe to puff on those lower temps as well.

Well that’s made my decision tougher! I suppose at the prices on Ali and DHgate getting them both won’t hurt the bank too much ;)


Big and Bouncy
I really like the look of this one. It’s very similar to the long 3d stem I’ve had my eye on but with the advantage of inverting the solo. Perhaps this will enable a looser pack to explore the supposed convection this device has
I load my stems/WPAs using the straw method. Less mess and you're guaranteed a perfect loose pack with ample airflow. If you can draw through the stem easily before placing it in the oven, you're good!
I bet it’s really nice having a big glass pipe to puff on those lower temps as well.
It's the best! The sessions are so relaxed and easy on the throat. Dimpled glass is nice but it's the 90deg bends that do most of the heavy lifting where cooling is concerned. I feel like Gandalf 😂

the lord of the rings bilbo GIF

Well that’s made my decision tougher! I suppose at the prices on Ali and DHgate getting them both won’t hurt the bank too much ;)
Indeed! I bought spares... They're cheap and you know the saying about glass - two is one and one is none.
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