So lets see how far over the top we can take this conversation, eh?![]()
War with Russia would be WWIII. Hillary has been very open about the fact she wants war with Russia.
So lets see how far over the top we can take this conversation, eh?![]()
I dislike Hillary and much of what she stands for. In the short time I've been here, I think I've made that fairly clear. I also believe she would have been far more likely to intentionally bring us to war than a Trump administration will be.Meh....not necessarily
Hillary has been pushing for war with Russia for the last decade, and blames literally everything on them to try to back/justify her psychotic lust for WWIII, and obviously 90% of the media are hacks and left wing shills who echo and parrot back whatever it is she wants them to.
That's not to say Russia didn't do anything, but whenever Hillary and her cabal blame Russia for something, I have to just assume they are lying.
Hillary has been very open about the fact she wants war with Russia.
Ya gotta open up ya'lls reading repertoire. Throw in a little from the alts on the Right AND the Left.Really? I must have missed that. Could you provide a direct quote from her where she states that she wants a war with Russia?
Ya gotta open up ya'lls reading repertoire. Throw in a little from the alts on the Right AND the Left.
You can argue the point if you like. Just not with me. If you want to call someone out for not having any basis for what they wrote, I think it unfair to quibble when someone posts multiple articles that say essentially the same thing. Maybe not as aggressively, but the same.There is not one statement in any of those links where Hillary states that she wants a war with Russia. They all revolve around her desire to set up a no-fly zone in Syria.
Drawing the conclusion that she "wants" a war with Russia because of her desire to set up a no-fly zone would be the same thing as stating that Kennedy wanted a war with Russia during the Cuban Missile crisis which would be an equally absurd assumption.
You can argue the point if you like. Just not with me. If you want to call someone out for not having any basis for what they wrote, I think it unfair to quibble when someone posts multiple articles that say essentially the same thing. Maybe not as aggressively, but the same.
What I am doing is stating a fact.
Facts. Good luck with that.
Most reasonable people understand what a fact is and how that is different from fiction.
Others folks... not so much.
The truth is the last thing they want to hear.
He doesn't even have to issue a financial disclosure until May 2018, by then they will have new ethical guidelines set up that puts him in the clear. Because he needs to be free to "make great deals"What about the conflict of interest with all his properties?
Loss of citizenship for burning a flag? Because burning a flag is unAmerikan. Like disagreeing with trump...
From Wikipedia:
The Flag Protection Act of 2005 was a proposed United States federal law introduced in the United States Senate at the 109th United States Congress on October 24, 2005, by Senator Bob Bennett (R-Utah) and co-sponsored by Senator Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.). Later co-sponsors included Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.), Mark Pryor (D-Ark.) and Thomas Carper (D-Del.).[1]
The law would have prohibited burning or otherwise destroying and damaging the US flag with the primary purpose of intimidation or inciting immediate violence or for the act of terrorism. It called for a punishment of no more than one year in prison and a fine of no more than $100,000; unless that flag was property of the United States Government, in which case the penalty would be a fine of not more than $250,000, not more than two years in prison, or both.[1][2][3]
Not "unconstitutional", but there is no provision in the law for doing so to citizens.True but.............there is no mention of taking away a persons citizenship which would also be unconstitutional.
In one sentence, Trump proposed TWO things that are unconstitutional.
The other thing is that Trumps Supreme Court God, Scalia, voted FOR allowing flag burning to part of a persons first amendment rights.
Also, in regards to your post, it brings up the old adage of ..........two wrongs don't make a right.
Over........and out.
Not "unconstitutional", but there is no provision in the law for doing so to citizens.
That's like saying that there's no provision in a law that allows murder.
"The law prohibits the taking of your citizenship against your will."
But some of the perspectives here are really surprising. Like Hilary wanting war.
Is this just my imagination?
....dems have pelosi as their leader again..because she commands a great deal of money...lovely