Good luck with getting your med recommendation looks like you've got the first part accomplished?
From what I understood when this new legal regime hit us this year, you need to clear this with your "primary care physician" (I guess HelloMD provided that service for you now?) and submit some forms and a fee to your county health dept. I don't know if you're required to submit the forms yourself, in-person to the county, (or a caregiver or agent or someone?) or if they accept through the mail? I would think they really should accept this by the mail, but maybe it varies, county to county?
Also, to back up, why the med? You get the benefit of being able to buy / hold more and grow a greater # of plants, from what I think I know, and you gain (or won't lose) access to medical-only collectives and dispensaries. But if we're talking about the rec only or rec+med shops, there isn't much benefit of keeping your med recommendation, from what I hear?
At most, it only exempts you from local sales tax (about 8-9% here) and not the excise tax, which is much more. And many of the shops up here don't even "honor this" or offer a discount for med users, just the same price for all users. They "eat the cost" of the tax they tell me, and average out the price of the tax for everyone. Since a great majority of the customers are rec customers, it sounds to me like the club is just sharing the cost of the greater tax burden of the rec user with the smaller medical user base.
Weird rationalizations and legal loopholes aside, I hope you get it sorted out, keep your donuts, tanks and baking trays well-stocked!
It actually worked quite well.
Filled out medical background, basic intake info, video conferenced with their doc, he quickly realized I knew far more than most folks he deals with

Very nice people, a couple of dogs in their office in Marin... if I was better, I could see myself back up in my old place and helping them build real customer service/support.
There was nothing tied to the county, if you want a county ID card, you have to go through the county channels to get it. But I have issues with the conditions placed on the card
They e-mail you a pdf file that is your rec, you can print that out and use it right away.
They will snail-mail me both the rec (w/seal) and a wallet card I think.
I e-mailed the rec and a copy of my license to this new delivery service, and while they have an EXTREMELY confused system internally, I was able to at least order a handful of edibles from 'Enjoyable Edibles' to try and some 'Thin Mints' live resin sauce from West Coast Cure, which I've been trying on my DT v3 10mm.
The Enjoyable Edibles 350mg dose edibles are ok (my last batch was 310mg and was a little better), which is high praise 'cause so many other edibles TRULY disappoint (dose is WAY off <low> and of poor quality).
The main 'buy' for me on the medical side is that I can still get higher dose edibles when I am in between meds or help making a batch of my brownies, and I save the sales tax. I still pay the excise and grow tax
Yeah, many places either no longer offer discounts at all, or the ones they offer to veterans, seniors, disabled are 10-15%. But prices have jumped in general, and these damn cartridges are EVERYWHERE, I see some places with crap distillates that previously tested dirty... hard to find syringes of good clean full spectrum oil.
You might find a half dozen Live Resin / Sauce at the bottom of their concentrate menu
The new Cubis tank I may have slightly overfilled with CBD from Honey Vape (some Care By Design was still in the tank)... but aside from a bit of spitting it's fine. The Smok is awesome, but I've got to find some damn quality syringes to fill it with!
We'll see how I feel later today... I get tired of the stupidity of some of the design decisions on many of these sites

I may go spelunking trying to find quality syringes... damn shame I'm not in Oregon, or we haven't begun some interstate cannabis commerce... argh. EVENTUALLY.
Will need to get my help again for the next batch, hoping to find some decent kief somewhere to add in

It's a nice finishing touch
wanna have a good laugh? all this fun with social security, the last letter they sent me told me I had to arrive at such and such time and place for a meeting about my child support payments, apparently one that I requested!
'course the fact that I have NO freaking idea what the hell they are talking about is a wee bit alarming... the fact that THEY have no idea what they are talking about is more unnerving
I divorced many years ago and never had any children. Un-believable.
I can't wait for this meeting... even my 92 y.o. Dad is looking forward to going

We should bring popcorn!