This infographic was posted on Reddit, and indeed, originally found on Forbes.com (under the article):
And while there's a lot of good information on there presented nicely, there's a lot of inaccurate info too. In particular, that 'top 10 vaporizers' panel looks not only several years out-of date, but is wince-inducingly msiguided. Especially how in includes some God-awful vapes (I'm looking at you, Vapir One). Of course I don't think a top 10 vapes list would be helpful at all.
So could we discuss the details of this infographic, and how into might be improved? The last thing we need is misinformation tainting our spreading of the Gospel.

And while there's a lot of good information on there presented nicely, there's a lot of inaccurate info too. In particular, that 'top 10 vaporizers' panel looks not only several years out-of date, but is wince-inducingly msiguided. Especially how in includes some God-awful vapes (I'm looking at you, Vapir One). Of course I don't think a top 10 vapes list would be helpful at all.
So could we discuss the details of this infographic, and how into might be improved? The last thing we need is misinformation tainting our spreading of the Gospel.