wilf789 said:EtherLeak said:One of my favorite dubstep tracks...Laid back beats with a nice low end to cruise along to...
Big fan of Subscape - we even booked him a couple of times for dubstep/dnb nights over the last few years.
Personally, like others here who have been listening to dubstep for at least 3 years now, I think people like Skrillex ruined it. He may not have been the first by a long shot but he greatly contributed to that ever-growing penchant for overly-wobbly wank-step/bro-step whatever you want to call it now.
Dirty tunes used to hold more attraction when there weren't so many around and didn't sound like they are just trying so, so hard to be grimy - see Rusko's stuff from like 2008, or even Subscape's stuff from around 2009, when this style was just reaching past its peak. Nowadays, I can only really listen to the more chilled out stuff.
Mala and Phaeleh have been great over the last couple of years, and people like Ramadanman and Pangaea have been taking the scene beyond that wobbly-wanky-shite to something that's been called 'future-garage.'
Any dubstep, or for that matter any drum-n-bass / bass-heavy electronic music, that you can listen to on your laptop speakers and still think you're hearing most of the song, doesn't deserve to be called dubstep at all. Sub bass > annoying distorted synths anyday in my book
Agree with what your saying there dude...I started getting into dubstep late 2008 and mixed it for quite a while as well...Until about 12 months ago I sought out the filthiest dirtiest grime filled tracks I could then it all started getting HEAPS of attention (especially by anyone looking to make a commercial name for themselves)...I still love dirty heavy dubstep if its done well...Lots of chunky sub bass instead of half arsed synths, no cheezy leads melodies or fucking vocals, and something with a bit of originality...Lately I find myself listening to a lot glitched out chill or laid back dubstep with lots of atmosphere...It also doesn't help that every teenie bopper 18 or under LOVES the shit and you cant even go to a decent gig anymore without hanging with a bunch of chomped out teenagers on 50 million pills...But as long as my favorite producers can still get enough of the lime light to produce some intelligent music for a crowd with some taste I'm happy