If you really want to go on the Vapir Road: go NO2 on the size and portability! The mini 2.0 is BIG, not portable, and has leakage issues!
Yes I was one of the lucky NO2 customers, yes several of my friends were lucky too, and yes the NO2 has been having several quality issues stated numerous times here! So, if you go NO2,
and you can check the unit before, at your local HS: do it! 
If you are one of the lucky customers

the NO2 is a pleasant portable easy to use, "plug & play", newbie friendly, big clouds vapo. To me it has its pros & its cons as all our beloved models.
In terms of battery: NO2 correctly charged= 6 or 7 x 20 mn autoprogrammed seshs
MFLB : stock batteries correctly charged= 2 big trenchs/batt. But this can be really extended with more batts, with 2700's batts etc + the vapor delivery is on demand with the MF so you just toke on it when needed vs. the NO2, where your meds will cook 20 mn and therefore you'll have to hit the toy during those 20 mn (this will virtually extend the "battery life" of the MF as you'll only "consume energy when needed")... to the point that you can leave for a camping WE in the woods with your MF...which seems more difficult with the NO2.