Simrell Vaporizer


Well-Known Member
Any info on it?
Yeah it dropped yesterday to subscribers for an early access pre order. I think it’s out publicly 2-22. It’s a larger style dynavap type torch or IH. No name yet. Seems bad ass. No orings.
(Edit to add: no balls, swapable diff temp click discs, all titanium)

But I just noticed this thread is in the plug in section so maybe @Custom Flower Hardware is talking about his terptorch rerelease?
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Well-Known Member
Simrell has just announced their first DHV. If you have an account, you might have gotten an email, too.


Made 100% in the USA: Crafted using high-quality materials sourced and manufactured entirely in the United States.

Wear-Free Design: Engineered without O-rings, eliminating the need for replacements.

Fully Modular Construction: The threaded connection allows complete disassembly for deep cleaning and part customization.

Precision Heating: Equipped with calibrated thermostat discs that produce an audible cue when reaching the target temperature. Includes both low-temp and high-temp discs, with additional temperature options coming soon.

Titanium Build: Crafted from titanium for durability and pure flavor comparable to glass, but with superior resilience.

Customizable Sleeve: The newly designed Vortex comes standard with a Walnut Sleeve, with more sleeve options launching soon. Pre-orders include a silicone sleeve for early experimentation and customization.

Enhanced Compatibility: A titanium stem adapter is included, allowing use with existing stems. An additional adapter will be avaialbe shortly, to enable the Vortex stem to become compatible with 8mm engines and other vaporizers.

Induction Heater Compatibility: This device is designed to work seamlessly with induction heaters.

Pre-Order Package Includes:

Titanium Extraction Chamber
Titanium Heat Exchanger ( Lid )
Titanium Convection Insert (name subject to change)
Titanium Vortex
Titanium Intercooler
Walnut Sleeve
Silicone Sleeve
Titanium Stem Adapter

Custom Flower Hardware

Well-Known Member
Yeah it dropped yesterday to subscribers for an early access pre order. I think it’s out publicly 2-22. It’s a larger style dynavap type torch or IH. No name yet. Seems bad ass. No orings.
(Edit to add: no balls, swapable diff temp click discs, all titanium)

But I just noticed this thread is in the plug in section so maybe @Custom Flower Hardware is talking about his terptorch rerelease?
No that is an error I'll report to mod to move. Tried pics but ibb down?
Custom Flower Hardware,
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Well-Known Member
I was a bit hyped about it, ngl. However, I’ve watched the stream VOD and honestly all my hype is gone. It’s too much customization for me. It seems to shoot everywhere instead of focusing on one specific thing. He praised how you can change the sleeve, but, let’s be honest, who really cares about this kind of gimmick? Also, it seems to have more parts than necessary, especially when compared to other vapes that probably deliver a better experience. It also holds 0.15g, which is comparable to Dynavaps. While the hybrid, convection and conduction options are nice, I have the feeling all of those hits are gotta have similar results and would not hold in a blind test.

I gotta be honest. To me it feels like an FMJ in a nice packet. A slightly better Dynavap in a new and pretty wrap. We’ve been past Dynavaps for a while, let’s be honest. Camouflet, Vestratto, and MadHeaters stepped in and brought new products that are just at another level, a level that Dynavap still hasn’t been able to reach. While they’re stuck in the past, this Simrell vape seems to grab on to that old glue to try to take it up.

This is my opinion. I haven’t tested the device. Maybe I’m being too harsh, but those are my thoughts.
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Radwin Bodnic

Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
So there's a titanium thermal insert (not really a matrix) like the thermal twist.
Radwin Bodnic,
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Quite a nice looking TED aesthetically, but I'd like the wood sleeve to be longer for back to back bowls and sharing with those unfamiliar with DHVs (e.g. "only hold it by the wooden part my friend")... I understand the sleeve as is makes for easy spinning and is nice visually.. but if a design is adding wood for heat insulation why not just go all the way so the user is never touching warm or hot metal? The heatsink post bowl section looks quality mind you.

Looking at the heat exchanger and bowl cross section I can't see a good reason why it couldn't be elongated to increase the bowl size (.2 like a dani/cxl but preferably slightly larger like the tornado), with a notch machined half way up for a second option for screen placement (half bowl converter). This would give the user nice options (convection leaning .1 (or more, moar! ;)) one hit snaps for the morning, full bowl hybrid face melters or stony conduction microdoses or one hitters if the user loads the full bowl halfway or less and tamps as needed for enhanced conduction. In this way this design with a substantially bigger bowl could potentially be a highly portable, does everything effects wise a medical user needs kind of thing.

If I was super flush with cash and the bowl was elongated as above and a WPA was included. I would probably more seriously consider this vape. As alex91 has already stated, the competition currently for this style of vape is pretty stiff. WIth the vape as is coming in at $320 rrp I could pick up a tornado and CXL or a nado and full 14mm injector baller setup.

Lastly, I like and use shortish stems around the length of the warheads quite often, usage style is cashing bowls quickly and comfortably for me. I fit a lot more cooling and diffusion into short stems using tightly rolled pieces of titanium sheet metal inserted into stems than I could ever get from the ol' dynavap style spiral intercoolers. The tighter the ti sheet metal is rolled the greater the level of cooling (the vapor is passing over a greater mass of highly conductive material, the sheet metal). Primitive open source design utilising basic physics that is highly effective and customizable. For less restriction and marginally less cooling snip the sheet metal length down with scissors and roll it a little looser to personal taste. This makes for a more modular design with respect to cooling (it's fairly inexpensive to have multiple very portable cooling options on hand for the same stem). The only way I've been able to achieve a greater degree of cooling than this provides on a short stem is small silicone carbide balls (higher degree of thermal conductivity) but I prefer titanium roll ups for less restriction (no issues chucking the stem straight into a rig and cashing the bowl) and for the less frequently required and quicker cleaning process.

So yeah, Austyn, if you happen to read FC I think the form factor is really nice and with a few design tweaks you could well capture the interest of a good percentage of hardcore DHV enthusiasts. As is I think you'll comfortably have repeat purchases from Simrell enthusiasts along with plenty of peeps in Dynavaps share of the market. Best of luck with the launch to you :peace:


Well-Known Member
First impression: its a beauty.
Second impression: a glorified Dynavap and everything I would have wanted - some years ago.

Feels like nothing really new, except for the different heating zones. A Woodwynd with a perforated cap might offer similar experiences (if you even want more convection, that is).

With a Tempest and Anvil in my collection, as well as several Dynavaps, I am not sure where this nameless device would find its place and use case yet.
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cantre member
IMO the threaded 1 piece heat exchanger is a game changer! different materials/alloys/configureations for heat profile changes are a thread insert away, so I'm thinking y'all can keep your tiny balls.
It'll be a while before I pay $250 for a single vapstick tho


Vape swap shop
First I haven't watched the twitch stream yet. Could do with a summary video, the twitch is 2 hours long. I will watch and report back if it changes my mind. Have read the specs on the Simrell email.

This does not feel ground breaking or anything new. Having options to adjust conduction / convection is not that appealing. I don't really like conduction vapes and always prefer convection only or convection heavy hybrids. Can't you do something similar with a Dani Fusion that's half the price?

This kinda feels a bit dated already. Compare it to the tempest, which when released had a number of firsts. It feels like Simrell (and to a lesser degree dynavap) has been playing catch up for a while.

Was releasing a vape without a name a good idea?

Simrell pinned their colours to dynavap too long in my opinion. Then when they finally do try something new it feels too little too late.

Anyway I'll watch the video.


Well-Known Member
I ordered one personally.
I never had a dynavape, but my first Ted vape was a Tornado, which has become my favorite vape today.
I ordered a ceramo XL too.
So I can't wait to compare them to my Tornado.

This unnamed vape is very elegant in my opinion.
And like ceramo, no wearing parts, but very customizable!
I also find the bowl size perfect for a one shot hit.
I find my Tornado bowl huge lol, and I never exceed 0.15 with my Tornado and that's quite enough for me.
So I don't see the point in increasing the size of the bowl, and adding a screen for micro dosing 🤷
Just put less in the bowl.
So I took this new Simrell mainly for my travels, with a small lighter it will be great and fun.
At home I would have the Tornado to fuck me up 😆


Well-Known Member
I have VAS hard.

I’ve always been hard on simrell I only bought my first Blackwood stem recently to drive my TA4

I have an anvil, tempest and a 2020 SS tip on a bb3 (I actually call that the holy Trinity) and an XmaxV3 but we won’t talk about that.

I’d honestly love to know because I do have a few hundred dollars to spend but only a few…

The tornado (I am a user editon anvil user)

A second tempest (see my latest ramblings)

Or pull the trigger on the simrell vape?

I trust vestratto (honestly I didn’t like them “the company” not the product) BUT. A BIG BUT they did resolve a 3 year old issue I had with them. Honestly


I had you all wrong.

Anvil - they stand by their products and their customer service is as good as those products.

I donno the simrell vape has me intrigued.
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