Silver Surfer or E Nano which is better?

Truth Seeker

Well-Known Member
Silver Surfer or E Nano which is better?
By better I mean which is smoother on throat, less harsh etc.
I have the Q already and am not crazy about the whip system as it seems harsh yet I see the surfer is a whip system, is the Surfer that smoother with the whip than the Q?
Is a whip a whip or is there a difference?
Is the nano very smooth? especially with the gong water adapter?
Truth Seeker,
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Maybe if it's purely for water the LSV would be better to compare to. I'm thinking in general, when you consider wattage and the tubing sizes used, if you'd prefer smaller or tiny loads the Enano appears to be aimed at that while some of the 7th floor wands or bowls are aimed at slightly larger loads.

I really don't know if the load size is even relative to how much you will use because when I try to microdose with convection I just end up repeating it a lot!
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I have both, they both have ceramic elements & I don’t feel I could say one is harsher than the other with these two.
I find it easier get full extraction from the eNano without combustion than I do the Sliver Surfer.

It’s much easier to pair the eNano with water & it’s more efficient.
With the SS you’ll need to replace the whip from time to time, with the Nano you have to clean glass stems & gongs.

If you have a whip vape maybe try something different this time, but they’re both good so see if you can find some usage videos of them, that’s always fun to do before you buy.
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