silly comparison of cannabis users to gays and blacks

Are television viewers brain-washed about pot smokers, or do they understand why we use?

  • Brain-washed

    Votes: 5 100.0%
  • My news station tells it like it is

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Naruto Fan
A joke might go, "What do Stoners, Gays and Blacks all have in common?"

Little White lies about how they live their lives.

and that our media and government continue to drive a wedge between us and the general public, to preserve a status quo designed to gain more control and profit the more they put the boot to our necks, almost as a way of proving there is nothing else that can be done.

they try to make us look like criminals, but avoid telling the truth - who's the criminal? I forgot they changed the definition of free-speech to include anything a corporation says, so lying on the news isn't criminal, but perhaps it should be.

How's that for a comparison, though? haha
I think the last bits of television news finally got knocked loose, and whatever was preventing me from making the comparison fell away.

Blacks were tortured though, long after slavery was abolished, by police around the country, and television and politicians continued to be racist as they asked for greater power. The very first newspaper in the United States was also racist, a newsletter telling colonial residents where the Indian's were, and what to watch out for - it may have seemed innocent at the time, but look at how it encouraged an "us against them" viewpoint.

Gays were put into mental hospitals and given electro-shock therapy not that long ago. But in the 1970's Psychologists removed it from their book of diseases, and told the public it was not a choice, so it could not be cured. Think of how plain that is, and how television has failed to deliver that basic message in any meaningful way. Many of us still believe it's a choice, not something that was caused in the womb by the simple shift of chemicals. Instead they allowed a dichotomy to develop, where certain shows have lots of gay-positive messages, and others where the lies continue, although in more subtle forms.

Watching a documentary about McGovern, and how he lost to Nixon, was disturbing: Nixon continued to have our troops kill people in Viet Nam for four years, and suddenly stopped it one week before the elections, leading directly to the Nixon land-slide. So, NEVER underestimate a
Republican's ability to lie for votes, and I don't think many politicians are immune from the lies that have been spread about us. I know many people still believe them, to a level they cannot even understand, because they've been brain-washed.
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