Shoutbox or embeded chat?


Glass Blower
i know there is an IRC chan, but how many users on here(and lurkers) do you think even have IRC installed or even know how to use it? and even if so....point is you have to go out of your way (offsite) to use thats not really "engaging" if ya know what i mean?

i often see most forums have a small shoutbox that most use as kind of a pop in and say whats up kinda chat, most people dont really have time to sit down log into a chatroom and go

not only that i feel like the most spontaneous ideas spark way different conversations that are not really brought upon the forum.

i just think itl be a way for all the members to get to know eachother better.


Combustion free since '09
Hmm.. well while I have IRC client installed many just pop on with the widget. Right side of front page you see a link to chat and it opens with the widget. Very easy to get in and always someone in there chatting. You might give it a whirl ;)

Still getting used to the new software. Nice to have the "conversation" option too IMHO.
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