Should Public Schools Be Able To Spank Students?

olysh pops

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Caveat Emptor - "A Billion People Can Be Wrong!"
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I'm not so sure though that just a little fly swat accompanied by a few affectionate wise words of discipline to open the eyes and awaken the mind is such a bad thing on rare occasion. Would this deliver a form of mixed message that could later manifest in a love/hate monster? I tend to doubt it... but IDK...
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Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
Schools in the area where I live don't use corporal punishment anymore. The parents need to instill in their children respect for others, whether it's an adult or a child. If the parents aren't going to be respectful of others their children won't be either.

Some parents don't support the schools and show it by talking negatively about the school and teacher in front of their children. The kids are not going to respect authority with parental attitudes like that.

Some parents have chosen not to parent their own child and hope everyone else will do it for them. If they don't have grand parents that can take over responsibilities, its neighbors, society and schools that have to be there for that child.

So often the schools are expected to be caregivers, social workers, medical clinics and educators. Our school's mission statement in the area where I live is: Safety, Responsibility and Respectful.

I don't believe the schools should be given the responsibility of punishing by spanking. IMO that outdated practice needs to be stopped. I was so surprised when I found that it's still going on.

I don't believe in a school punishing a student either if they are late for school (elementary and middle school age) because it's the parents fault if the kid doesn't get there on time.

There are very good families out in society but there are people that should not have had children out there too.
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Caveat Emptor - "A Billion People Can Be Wrong!"
Accessory Maker
Schools in the area where I live don't use corporal punishment anymore. The parents need to instill in their children respect for others, whether it's an adult or a child. If the parents aren't going to be respectful of others their children won't be either.

Some parents don't support the schools and show it by talking negatively about the school and teacher in front of their children. The kids are not going to respect authority with parental attitudes like that.

Some parents have chosen not to parent their own child and hope everyone else will do it for them. If they don't have grand parents that can take over responsibilities, its neighbors, society and schools that have to take over.

So often the schools are expected to be caregivers, social workers, medical clinics and educators. Our school's mission statement in the area where I live is: Safety, Responsibility and Respectful.

I don't believe the schools should be given the responsibility of punishing by spanking. IMO that outdated practice needs to be stopped. I was so surprised when I found that it's still going on.

I don't believe in a school punishing a student either if they are late for school (elementary and middle school age) because it's the parents fault if the kid doesn't get there on time.
As a Special Ed teacher myself for many years, I agree with you 1000%!!!


Well-Known Member
I've been teaching in public schools in Queens county of NYC for 30 years , and I believe that corporal punishment should not be used .
Even though many parents have given up active parenting, trying to be friends with there kids, which leads to very disrespectful youngsters, I believe that there are other options to disciplining kids than hitting them.
It just takes more strategies and more well trained counselors to deal with kids that have emotional problems.
I've seen 12 year olds curse out and threaten teachers, and their punishment was 3 days of in house suspense with no counseling. ( not effective or satisfying )
We need more positive activities that students can get caught up into so that we can use these activities as a carrot towards socialization.
Corporal punishment is quick , it is easy,
and in some ways satisfying to the abuser, but it is not effective.
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