Short draw+high temp Vap?

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Well-Known Member
I'm currently using the SSV for medical cannabis but because I have pain in my jaw muscles the long draw really aggravates the pain so now I only use joints because of the short draw.

I'm looking for a vaporizer with a very short draw and because I like to vape until the ABV is dark brown I need to be able to do so.

If it can be portable as well it's a plus.
The cost doesn't matter if the product is worth it, it has to be reliable.

Thanks for your help!


Staff member
Sounds like the Solo would serve you well. Short draw path, high temp, portable, and packs a punch.



Well-Known Member
Stu, I don't think he's asking about a short draw path, but rather a vape that will provide good vapor with a very short draw. Very different things. A particular vaporizer could have a very short draw path, yet still require a long draw for a good hit.


Staff member
I guess I am referring to the longer pulls required from a whip vape with a long whip (you've got to inhale all that air in the whip....same for vaporbonging) as opposed to a short stem. The solo provides a lot of vapor in say a 3 second hit as opposed to a whip-based vape that works better with longer / deeper pulls. That was my thought process anyway.


Ia! Ia! Vapor Fthagn!
The lotus is great for short inhales with high volume hits... it is also portable, uses a torch flame to operate.
You can get high heat hits with the lotus depending on how long you cook the top plate. The draw/inhale on it is relatively easy and not difficult. I find the length of time taking a hit off of my lotus is the shortest compared to other vapes I have, or have owned.
It is very reliable vape, the only variable on it that could potentially mess things up is if you get a bad torch, so this vape is only as reliable as the torch you get for it.


Active Member
MFLB has a short draw in terms of distance and can go to as high temps as you want. It does require a long draw in terms of duration though but you'll be pulling softly so it shouldn't aggravate your jaw too much.


Toolbag v1.1 (candidate)
Staff member
I also recommend the MFLB. If you use the LB native with pyronym's technique, the vapour basically forms in your mouth. I can't imagine a shorter easier draw. The PA would help by letting you control the temperature such that almost no draw would be necessary.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys!
I should have said the easiest/shortest draw.
I had the HA and inhaling a bag with a low vapes to air ratio is pretty hard plus it takes forever and I use MJ through out the day and in the middle of the night.
The lotus isn't stealth enough for my tastes plus I'm not to keen about the way you need to operate it.
I saw a clip on youtube of the MFLB and it looks really easy to draw. the fact the you don't need to create a good seal and draw long should relive some of the pressure. The method pakalolo mentioned seems to make it easier.

I think I'll order it as it's fairly cheap and seems to answer all of my needs. Is it easier to draw than with the Solo?
Could you perhaps recommend me on all the accessories I should get and of a store that ships internationally?
Any idea if the power supply support 12V?
Low vape to air ratio with the HA???

Place a additional screen in the bottom of the crucible. Grind your herbal material, pack .1-.4 in crucible. Place another screen on top so the herbal material is kept in place, just like a Volcano does. I think the HA could greatly benefit from a screen-on-a-plunger piece like the Cano does, and also from a crucible which doesn't get hot enough to cause extensive conduction vaping. :2c:

You should now find that the HA delivers very, very dense vapor.

But a Solo sounds like it's up your alley if you don't like or possess the HA anymore.


Active Member
I don't have a Solo so I can't say personally but from what others have said the Solo tends to have a pretty restricted airflow (which is necessary for it to give big hits) making it somewhat difficult to draw. The MFLB seems like it would meet your needs better.

For accessories, if you want it to be you go-to vape I would either purchase the Power Adaptor, which plugs into the wall so that you have ultimate temperature control and don't need to worry about recharging batteries constantly, or just buy a bunch of extra batteries and a good charger (people like the C900 or something) if you want it to be extra portable. Or just be like me and most other people and get the PA and extra batteries :p
The "difficult to draw" aspect of the solo isn't a hinderance. It's a bit of "what the fuck?" moment when you first try it, and it may continue to be slightly annoying as you get used to it, but that restricted airflow is essential for the big hits and good heat retention the Solo offers. One person busted out their holes for more airflow, and one person had a stem custom blown with higher airflow - both noticed decrease performance. My only complaints about the Solo are battery life and, in my case, a slightly off electronics odor. The solo has you exhaling dense clouds with much of your lung capacity left over, which is actually pretty impressive.


Staff member
I agree with CDS. With the Solo you are almost effortlessly and instantly inhaling vast amounts of vapor and there is zero learning curve. Even for an experienced LB user, the difference is quite noticable. It's apples and oranges, really. The solo gives instant and dense vapor, which would be a great advantage for someone with draw difficulties like the OP.

FWIW, the airflow is restricted with the Solo, but nowhere near the drag of a MFLB, so I don't really understand why the LB recommendation as it pertains to draw.



Toolbag v1.1 (candidate)
Staff member
Stu said:
FWIW, the airflow is restricted with the Solo, but nowhere near the drag of a MFLB, so I don't really understand why the LB recommendation as it pertains to draw.

The technique I recommended involves not really drawing at all. You inhale through the nose, so there is no drag.

There are several other minimal drag techniques for the LB. I don't really understand your comment, because if you drag on the LB with any amount of strength, it cools down too much to work. Using a light draw is the hardest thing to teach to a newbie LB user.


Staff member
pakalolo said:
Stu said:
FWIW, the airflow is restricted with the Solo, but nowhere near the drag of a MFLB, so I don't really understand why the LB recommendation as it pertains to draw.

The technique I recommended involves not really drawing at all. You inhale through the nose, so there is no drag.

There are several other minimal drag techniques for the LB. I don't really understand your comment, because if you drag on the LB with any amount of strength, it cools down too much to work. Using a light draw is the hardest thing to teach to a newbie LB user.

I was not referring to your tequnique. I was referring to hunterthompson's reference to the restricted airflow. Of course anyone could slow down their draw using any chosen tequinque to increase vapor ratio, but this is not necessary with the Solo. You can just breathe normally. No nose-breathing tequniques required.

So if the argument against the Solo for this situation is "it's harder to use because of the restricted airflow", I wanted to point out that this should not be even a consideration.



Well-Known Member
The Supreme is the quickest I can hit. I truly can hit it like a bong, you dont NEED to pull a long amount of time before vapor is created, and it can put out some really thick vapor. I use it with a bong but you dont need to, it can be used with tubing but you would want to ask the manufacturer for it since its not included, though it could be if you inquired about it.

check out some videos on youtube of it just search for supreme vaporizer
and see the thread on it here.

good luck! I hope you find the right vape :)


Well-Known Member
Thanks :)
I don't like the way the supreme work, I prefer an all in one unit the looks more stealth.
I don't have the HA anymore. I didn't try the method the was mentioned but bags aren't convenient for me.

Not sure which one to choose...


here for the chicks
I'm with Stu on this one. The Solo simply matches all the requirements you listed. Getting your AVB really dark takes no effort at all, just put it on one of it's higher settings and it'll take you there. Airflow may be a little bit restricted compared to some other vapes out there, but it's definitely no biggie at all.


Well-Known Member
I'm worried about the restricted air flow. I'm looking for something a lot easier than the ssv.


here for the chicks
I understand your worries, but I seriously doubt it will be an issue. The restriction is only noticeable when you try to breath in really fast in my experience. If you breath slow or normal you'll probably won't even notice it.


Well-Known Member
If I understand correctly with the solo it's a harder but shorter draw and with the MFLB it's an easier but longer draw?
I smoke a joint through this pipe filter in a glass tube. It restricts the airflow compared to a regular paper filter. Could you perhaps estimate which one of the two will be more like smoking a joint through a filter or more like it then compared to using the SSV with GG?

Thanks guys you're really helping. As this will be my 4Th vaporizer I want to get it right :)


here for the chicks
Oh man, I've used those filters myself in my old Tatoo pipe, but it was such a long time ago that I can't remember exactly how it felt to draw through those.

I did own a SSV until a few days ago (I just sold it because I didn't feel I needed it anymore after receiving my Solo), but I've never tried a LB so I can't compare it to that one unfortunately. You are correct that the Solo delivers instant vapor anyways. It's just like poring it in to my bong when I hit it :brow:

Sorry I couldn't be more helpful, but I'm sure someone else here can answer your last questions.


Well-Known Member
Thanks man, I think I'll go with the solo also because I'll be able to use it more comfortably around people (appearance wise) and since I'll probably have to use the LB's PA all the time.
Long drags are bad for me because my jaw locks until I exhale. Sounds like the Solo will be a good choice, worst case scenario I'll buy the LB as well.

Thanks guys! :)
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