New meds, Jesus OG is only one I've tried so far, its good and tasty, not real racy for a sativa. Bad dry mouth for the past 90 mins tho =/

Wonderful news brother! Looks like all the homework you've been doing lately has paid off! Color is usually more down to wash technique than anything else so consider shortening your wash time next time aroundPeace everyone!
(Homemade QWET) Sour Diesel shatter.
I was initially concerned about the color so I only scraped about 1/4 of the pie plate (of which half is still left in the pic below on left side, remainder of my crappy dabbing grab on right). Since there is a greenish tinge I worried that I didn't filter well enough before the QWET and pie plate. But, after everyone's help (and especially some slow, methodical help from @herbivore21 - thin thin thin is the key!) I was hoping...
So I put in in the vape...holy cow, it's lemony in flower form, but strong GRAPEFRUIT in shatter form! I had to triple check I hadn't somehow grabbed an unwashed Rom. Grap. coil from a long time ago!
The effects? Right before exhale...wide open eyes and pushed against the last, thin fabric...won't overdo this one, only ended up making .75g anyway. But ny'ace!
Peace everyone!
Yup you're exactly right, I was in a frenzy trying to fix my failed shatter runs each time they failed, and washed too long (7 minute single wash in freezer - I usually NEVER go longer than 5, and that time DOES make a huge difference).so consider shortening your wash time next time around
30 to 60 depending on coldness of Iso and material.Isnt qwiso suppposed to spend 30 seconds in the iso?!?!?
Say it aint so...I have some left still but I had 4 or 5 cards of just the og strain. I had pumpkin pie and alien og live resin ones too but I could only get one of each. They were all like budder...not very common around here to get that texture/form but I am starting to see it more and I really can appreciate it. I get excited when new Bhostco cards come in as that is about as good as you can get for med grade lab tested quality around here IME.Got some banana og nug run shatter a few weeks ago. Bhostco from dc....its basically budder thou
Say it aint so...I have some left still but I had 4 or 5 cards of just the og strain. I had pumpkin pie and alien og live resin ones too but I could only get one of each. They were all like budder...not very common around here to get that texture/form but I am starting to see it more and I really can appreciate it. I get excited when new Bhostco cards come in as that is about as good as you can get for med grade lab tested quality around here IME.
The og is supposed to be a indica but I swear that shit made my mind race. It wasnt so great for insomnia this oast week but still great for pain.
Let me know if you here of some blackberry jam wax and if you do what you think? Just got it today and well...I
Really? I sort of like them. I think it just depends on which flavor you get. And whether or not it's in carts or in the bucket like I get. They cut the carts with something so they flow better and they aren't as pure.The clear flavor is not very pleasing. I think they take terps out and put in terps from food. I had some in carts that tasted like orange peel.
Really? I sort of like them. I think it just depends on which flavor you get. And whether or not it's in carts or in the bucket like I get. They cut the carts with something so they flow better and they aren't as pure.
So far, I've tried the Deathstar OG, the XJ-13 and the Blue Raz. Of those, the Blue Raz is probably my least favorite and the XJ-13 is my fave. I'll probably try the Raw (no terps) next. That's the true test. I find this to not be as strong as other waxes and shatter. More of a morning buzz if you have something to do or want to work out.
Bte momofthedabs...the adoption papers just came in!!!! Lolol
Get in line...I asked first! LOL
Hey Mom, can I come home for laundry and a dab? hahaha
You're still killing me with these concentrate pics. I see where our minority politicians in Maryland are threatening to block the MMJ program's already glacial progress as they manuever for a racial set aside on growers licenses.
This country is the best in the world...but are also truly fucked. Only consolation is other places are fucked worse.
What's going on in Muirland? Well, law passed four years ago. Required large teaching and research institutes to be the only ones to handle/prescribe MMJ. Of course, Hopkins and U of M told the state to fuck off and NOBODY signed up to participate in the program.My bad..i just need a mom..who dabs the best qual.
What goin on in muirlan???
Btw..'gifter' in dc was pushing hard this gross dark sludge, pineapple jack in the movie fern gully..and it was in 8ths and qrts not singles so....dodged that bullet an got some gg an non nug run purps shatter.
What's going on in Muirland? Well, law passed four years ago. Required large teaching and research institutes to be the only ones to handle/prescribe MMJ. Of course, Hopkins and U of M told the state to fuck off and NOBODY signed up to participate in the program.
Jump forward and the law was dramatically revised. Still, only 15 growers license and 15 processor licenses allowed thus restricting the industry to highly connected, political fat cats. Current status is the initial selection of license winners was made and now the final process where financials, facility inspections, etc are examined for final licensing.
But wait...just when you thought it was safe to go back into the water...when selecting the 15 from proposals with all team personal information scrubbed, the commission decided to bump off companies 14 and 15 and replace them with bidders lower on the list but who are located in the southeastern counties (southern eastern shore). This after telling bidders that geographical location was not a criteria.
Upon learning this, AND the fact that no black led team won, the Maryland Black Caucus is now clamoring for their piece of the pie and this total shit head, Del. Cheryl D. Glenn (D-Baltimore) advocates starting the licensing process from scratch because even if licenses are issues on a racist basis, its her assertion that they will be disadvantaged compared to other licensees who will have a head start....EVEN THOUGH NO LICENSES HAVE EVEN BEEN ISSUED.
Del Glenn's concern for MMJ patients is....well, non-existent. I actually hope she comes down with a condition for which MMJ is called for. It would be divine justices at its best.
Then there is the basic mismanagement which is endemic to Maryland government. While there is a Dr registry open, there is no patient registry opened yet. They are saying that they will open patient registry 6 months before first dispensaries open (about 194 licenses to be issued) but they have no date for issuing dispensary license much less when they will open.
On the MMCC website, a discerning reader will note that there is absolutely no forward looking schedule. No oversight or transparency allowed. Just Marrrland doing its good old machine politics thing as usual.
So, that's the state of the game here. Probably another 9-12 months away from dispensaries being opened. Perhaps I am being too critical. Maybe their real goal is to get into Ripley's for the longest, slowest, and most mismanaged MMJ program in the country. They might actually be consciously going for that...if not, they are going to win in that category anyway on their present course.
Do I sound a bit bitter? Do I sound like I have no confidence in government bureaucracy? If so, good...I expressed myself accurately.
I have no idea who 'gifter' is or what "some gg" is either. ???
Oh...gifter and donators are the only acceptable names to use in dc. U donate some money, they gift you. You arent buying....youre donating. Yea ridiculous but whatev.