Set off smoke detector with my b-zero (no combustion though?)


Well-Known Member
I just had the weirdest experience, Just got home in the middle of the night from a long shift at work. I turn the b0 on 650F because I wanna kill this bowl. I exhale the awesome vapor basically directly at my smoke detector unintentionally and it went off! I quickly blew away the vapor and the alarm quickly shutoff, But what the hell man? My avp isn't even dark dark, it's a nice finished golden brown, I didn't even combust!

I wonder if vaping at this heat has some element of smoke the smoke detector is looking for? Maybe I just combusted so slightly it's not visible in the avb? Has this happened to anyone else?

I'll be sure to exhale out a window now.... damn even when combusting I never actually set off the alarm.


Well-Known Member
I bet that smoke detectors are not capable of detecting if it's smoke or vapor, they are just triggered by the density of the gas they detect.
I guess that if you puffed out of an Arizer Solo you wouldn't set off the alarm.
Not too long ago there were reports of the same thing happening with Anvils.
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Well-Known Member
that makes sense, Maybe this isn't the weird occurrence I thought it was haha! my bad but thanks for taking time to answer!
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