Adaox - "Nice thread! I'll see if I can find some beads locally. I hate ordering online. Thanks for the idea."
You're welsome, Adaox. Let us know how it goes.
VWFringe said:
besides not seeing any videos, i still do not have a clear idea of how the draw compares to percs. is this comparable in diffusion to glassware, and not "too hard" to draw?
Even a video could not do the Seed Beads justice, IMO.
I am sure that a video could show how they shuffle around, and how the vapor rises evenly out of the entire flat surface of the beads in thin/sticky bubbles and carbonation-like fizz (causing the vapor to refuse to elongate in the space above the water).
I guess you could even shoot a clear, extreme close-up with great sound which would show how the beads spin as passing air bubbles move around them and get trapped in the holes in their centers, while allowing people to hear the hiss of the bubbles escaping and the 'extreme hailstorm of tiny pebbles' sound one hears from the mess of under-water, ricocheting beads.
However, I think that the best video could not even come close to the full experience. One of the best parts is that you can modify the experience by adding new size/shaped, cheap seed beads to your collection.
As for the drag of the set-up, it is a fairly unique experience. It generally starts off with a bit of drag as the initial bubbles find their way through the mess of beads, but grows to be virtually completely drag-free as more-and-more of the spaces between the seed beads fill with vapor. It also fizzes after you are done clearing it due to all of the air (not vapor due to clearing) that is still struggling to get out of the maze of the seed beads.
Of course the performance/drag of the seed beads greatly depends on the size/shape of the seed beads and the glass they are in.
Toke it easy, and fizz on!