Yeah I'm sure the idiots at vw/porshe/audi/etc never considered any of thatThe flaw in that plan is the illusion of "ecological power generation". The magnets that make wind turbines work are rare earth, hard and expensive to manufacture, and have a limited life span. Plus no one wants them in their back yard and the wind doesn't blow all the time or on schedule. There is no free lunch.
Also, for people who understand thermodynamics and how molecules like C02 and water vapor absorb photons, vibrate emitting kinetic energy, and then release a lower energy photon the whole notion becomes absurd. Have you ever had a cloud come over head between you and the sun and thought to yourself . . . hmmm . . that cloud is making me warm. Thats exactly what the C02 climate alarmists want you to believe even though C02 and water vapor absorb and emit the same wavelengths of light. 95% of the heat in the atmosphere is held by water vapor. They also want you to believe that 0.012% of the atmosphere has the ability to drive the temperature of 98.988% of the atmosphere, AND 310 million cubic miles of ocean at an average of 40*F, AND 259 billion cubic miles of Earth at an average temp of 2,000*F. If you believe that a cubic mile of carbon aerosolized into nano dust can control the temperature of the Earth then you don't have your head screwed on straight and you definitely don't understand thermodynamics.
Everyone thinks wind and solar are like "free energy" or something but they aren't. If you look into what it costs to produce a working solar cell, or these wind turbines, their limited life spans, and what you actually get out of them, the math does not work.I'm sure the idiots at the volkswagon group never considered any of that![]()
Same with electric car batteries, but that doesn't stop the car battery manufacturers from mining lithium, which turns huge areas of (mostly canadadian) wilderness into ecological dead zones. Go tesla!Everyone thinks wind and solar are like "free energy" or something but they aren't. If you look into what it costs to produce a working solar cell, or these wind turbines, their limited life spans, and what you actually get out of them, the math does not work.
While I agree that lithium mining isn't Eco-friendly your analogy falls short since those batteries are not responsible for generating "clean energy to save the Earth" which so many people are putting their hopes in wrongly. Power plants have to charge those batteries and power plants pollute. I think you may be confusing marketing with science. I guarantee you thats why they put that wind turbine on that ad in the first place. Also, the Germans are against nuclear power, however, at night when France has tons of electricity left over, even after cracking hydrogen, the Germans buy that nuclear power from France and use it to warm their hypocritical butts.Same with electric car batteries, but that doesn't stop the car battery manufacturers from mining lithium, which turns huge areas of (mostly canadadian) wilderness into ecological dead zones. Go tesla!
Grokit, human beings inhale 400 parts per million C02 and exhale 40,000 PPM, a hundred fold increase. If you think a mother's warm breath on her baby's face is toxic you are sorely mistaken. No one is going to choke to death on man made C02, the notion is absurd. Its only 0.012% of the atmosphere. Get a grip on reality.because we can't possibly consume our known reserves without choking to death on the co2
"Get a grip on reality"
Grokit, human beings inhale 400 parts per million C02 and exhale 40,000 PPM, a hundred fold increase. If you think a mother's warm breath on her baby's face is toxic you are sorely mistaken. No one is going to choke to death on man made C02, the notion is absurd. Its only 0.012% of the atmosphere. Get a grip on reality.
If anyone wants to further debate CO2 and/or climate change, please make a new thread to discuss the topic, or take it to PMs.So a consensus of 97% of all peer reviewed climate scientists are all just wrong t-dub? Wow. What year is it this am??
No offence ment here but I stopped partaking in this mmgw debate 15 years ago when the science was clear then. It is even clearer now...
Willy Soon, you sold out your planet and soul for cash! Money well spent by big oil to cast doubt on the science.
Edit: You come off spouting opinions as fact without any backup of proof. (I will guess the novel, state of fear by mike crichton?)
This statement feels like its from a bully to me. *
#2. What I love about real scientists is they know they make mistakes and when they are confronted with new evidence, they admit they were wrong and adjust their findings accordingly... I'm out..
You never analyzed carbon monoxide, that's why I corrected my mistake.I also stand behind my analysis 1000%
You just can't leave it alone can you . . . I could but am NOT going to because of what @Stu said.You never analyzed carbon monoxide, that's why I corrected my mistake.
The Tesla Battery Heralds The Beginning Of The End For Fossil Fuels
How does a battery that has to be charged do anything but increase the need for fossil fuels?
I mean where I live your just paying duke energy every time you charge your Tesla so it's still really running off of coal based power regardless of the battery tech as far as I can see.
Solar panels, windmills, it's called sustainable power generationHow does a battery that has to be charged do anything but increase the need for fossil fuels?
I mean where I live your just paying duke energy every time you charge your Tesla so it's still really running off of coal based power regardless of the battery tech as far as I can see.
Solar panels, windmills, it's called sustainable power generation![]()