a pure indica and a pure sativa woul be pretty easy to distinguish, but pretty much everything that you can get commercially is an hybrid. so in theory it could have inherited the indica look with a sativa-effect or the other way around, but usually you can tell to wich side it leans by the looks. but indicaooks are preferred and so breeding is aimed at indicalooks, so you can assume hybrids always have a somewhat indica-look(also breeding is often aimed at short flowering, also an indica-trait), and the closer to 50/50 the harder to tell wich side it leans.
here a pic of a more sativalook. you''ll rarely see the more extreme foxtailing in commercial hybrids. but outdoors in my climate foxtailing is a pro since dense buds are more prone to mold in fall, so there are some outdoorstrains where the breeding is towards open, moldresistant buds instead of towards dense nugs, and the plant in this pic is a first generation cross between the most foxtailing pheno of a strain known for foxtailing, and another outdoorsativa that foxtailed less but had those thin open buds also often seen on pics of landraces.
sativa is also best for my eyes.
I've only ever found one other person online with similar experience, but I'm crosseyed and noticed that weed fixes it. actually it''s a bit more complex in my case, since I never had a lazy eye for example, and untill I was 3 everything looked right. but somehow when I was 3 I got crosseyed, always only looking with one eye but alternating. I got surgery for it but that didn't fix it, didn''t seem to make much dofference but maybe just the little difference needed. I was told that if I wasn''t able to look with both eyes before I was 12 I would never be able to, but just before I got 12 I noticed that sometimes, if I really concentrated on it, I could look with both eyes.
then I started smoking weed when I was 15(almost exclusively sativa), and one day I was high, sitting in my room playing with the cap from a botte of water, I held it in front of my eye and I noticed I could look straight trough the cap. I started paying attention to it and noticed that everytime I was high(but only on sativa), I looked with both eyes, without concentrating on it or putting any effort towards it. but sober it was back to nornal and I could only achieve it for a short while with concentration.
indica on the other hand makes me tired and sleepy, and being sleepy makes my crosseyedness worse(usually, even if I'm not looking with both eyes it isn't very obvious that I'm crosseyed anymore, but at the end of a night that involved alcohol I sometimes have one eye that is halfclosed)
by now I look with both eyes almost all the time, without effort or concentration, I attribute this to lasting effects of weed, since I now vape daily(and back when it was still weekly looking with both eyes was my first sign of being high, happening before I felt high and occurring even with small amounts of sativa not enough to make me really feel high)