Safest/Healthiest Portable Vape Money Can buy?


Well-Known Member
I have been looking at many vapors over the past week. My primary concern is that the vapor is safe and portable. I really like the IOlite but became turned off when rumors abounded about it producing CO. Is there anything else on its level but much safer? Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Purple Days :D

there is slight wait and a little bit of an ass ache to obtain one but if you can wait and endure the process

that's the way to go

If not there are a few other that are similar but the jury is still out on how save they are


Well-Known Member
I'm looking into the Magic Flight Box as portable vape. Safety is always a concern. There is no butane nor combustion used, like in the IOLite (CO as a byproduct of incomplete combustion was what you were referring to I believe). There's a 5 pager about it in the first subforum here -- forgot the name :uhoh:


Well-Known Member
If you want portable (no power)

for about $50, you can get a Vapor Genie... works pretty slick


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah lol. I have a VG and once one is proficient with it, it is a very powerful and efficient vape indeed. But Spyder, his original concern with the IOLite is still present with the Vapor Genie, as it requires a flame.


Vapor concierge
I own a VaporGenie (VG), a Launch Box (LB) and an Iolite (IO). IMO, the IO is the overall best one, but it costs way more as well. The VG gives the biggest hits and I love it, unless I were using outdoors in the wind a lot. I'm still getting used to the LB, but it seems to be the most efficient of the three and is the only one to use batteries.


Well-Known Member
I'd say the VG. As long as the lighter is lit, there's not too much to worry about regarding any negative affects of butane. But, in the wind, it's not too good. If using a portable in windy conditions is a concern, check out the Vapman>>>>


Well-Known Member
Launch box is fast, easy to use, runs on rechargeable batteries and is small and simple. For me I would go with the LB over the VG because of the wind issue and no need for lighters. For whats best for you I suggest looking into which one suits your style and your needs best.


Well-Known Member
I've only limited experience with mine but I think a Launch Box might suit you well. Its definitely easy to use and works very well outdoors. Also I can't imagine anything more stealthy since it is extremely small and doesn't show flame or any light for night use.


Well-Known Member
If there is not enough O2 for all the carbon to turn into carbon dioxide (complete combustion aka theoretical), then some or all of the carbon turns to carbon monoxide. This happens with any hydrocarbon - butane in this case.


vaked fresh daily
graywulf said:
I'm looking into the Magic Flight Box as portable vape. Safety is always a concern. There is no butane nor combustion used, like in the IOLite (CO as a byproduct of incomplete combustion was what you were referring to I believe). There's a 5 pager about it in the first subforum here -- forgot the name :uhoh:
lol if the combustion is incomplete, how is it combustion? you can't score an "almost" touchdown in football.


Out to lunch
graywulf said:
If there is not enough O2 for all the carbon to turn into carbon dioxide (complete combustion aka theoretical), then some or all of the carbon turns to carbon monoxide. This happens with any hydrocarbon - butane in this case.
If you're talking about burning butane, unburned carbon does not become CO (how would it?). It remains carbon.

As for the Genie vs. the iolite, with the Genie the recommended regular lighter introduces an undetermined amount of carbon black/soot into the vapor path. The iolite vents an undetermined amount of CO (not in the vapor path). Which is safer? Is either dangerous? Maybe we should give equal time to the Genie in the rumor mill and start a thread about how dangerous it is to inhale soot. Then we can crank up the old rumor about dangerous the aluminum block is in the Volcano. And then there's the one about how vapor is worse for you than smoke. :rolleyes:


above the clouds
In the butane powered field you can also consider the Vaporbong as portable is safe because the flame is outside the vapor path and it is really portable....two cons to is fragile and a bit tricky to refill.

My favorite portable is the Iolite and about the CO i never been able to inhale from mouth and nose at the same time so IMO it is safe enough and effective for my mobility needs.


Out to lunch
My favorite portable is the Iolite and about the CO i never been able to inhale from mouth and nose at the same time so IMO it is safe enough and effective for my mobility needs.
I agree. I use the mouthpiece extension plus a length of tubing, which puts my face about a foot from the unit. I don't get any sleepier (#1 efect from CO exposure) from using the iolite than I do using any other vape. Nor do I use it in any unventilated areas.


Well-Known Member
illadelph said:
lol if the combustion is incomplete, how is it combustion? you can't score an "almost" touchdown in football.
max said:
If you're talking about burning butane, unburned carbon does not become CO (how would it?). It remains carbon.
Ok, stoichiometric combustion is completely theoretical and involves perfect fuel to air ration, which lowers losses and extracts all of the energy from the fuel, but inn reality, stoichiometric combustion is largely unattainable.

Max, I'm not sure I understand why we can't get CO from butane.


Out to lunch
Max, I'm not sure I understand why we can't get CO from butane.
If it's burned via flame (completely), you get carbon dioxide, water vapor, and heat. There's also left over carbon, using a regular (non torch) lighter. Using a catalyst, like with the iolite, it's a more complicated process, and some CO is apparently produced. This is not what people think of when considering butane byproducts though (heat from butane with no flame?), and the CO is vented from exhaust vents the same way it exits a car via the exhaust system. I'm sure you get a lot more CO from smoking than from breathing exhaust gasses from an iolite in a well ventilated area. By the time I'm through holding my iolite hit, exhaust gasses have dissipated.


Well-Known Member
If there's left over carbon combustion is not complete. A butane lighter does not completely combust butane. A flame does not necessarily completely combust whatever it is burning. I looked up the IOlite, it uses O2 as an accelerant. This means its combustion reaction will be more complete.

The point I'm trying to make is we can rarely ever call combustion complete. And so in the end, according the the OP's question about the safest portable vaporizer, this should be brought to his attention regarding vapes using combustion.


Well-Known Member
There may be a bit of OCD playing out here, eh?

I mean, I totally understand our desire to vape from the safest vape possible, but I gotta ask a question.

Do you guys put as much effort in trying to eat the healthiest food possible as you do in picking the healthiest vape to use?

And if the answer is no, than I suggest that our priorities may be a bit out of whack. It's kinda like the guy who goes into MacDonalds, orders 2 Big Macs, a large order of fries and a diet coke.


Well-Known Member
I hear you Iwien, but often it is those concerned at the edges or extremes that often bring issues to light before they become serious. I do not know if this case here or not but what is for certain the issue itself has been a catalyst for spawning the Purple Days so I would not belittle the concerns of some as if it is crazy or misguided. While you may feel that way, to belittle the issue is not positive in the promotion of discussion of the issue. I look forward to anything of substance you may bring to the discussion.

Also Iwien, your example is flawed, think diabetics.


Well-Known Member
Whoa there. I am NOT belittling ANYONE. Hell, if I was doing that, I would be belittling myself, for I too would and DID purchase the PD because it didn't use brass in it's construction. I have also been a MAJOR advocate in NOT purchasing ANY Chinese knockoffs because of the possible toxins used in their constructions.

What I AM doing is just coming up with a different perspective, not only for those that are reading this thread, but for myself also.

Notice that I said that "our" priorities may be a bit out of whack. I did not say "yours".

All I'm doing here is bringing up a different point of view, only because I had a bit of an epiphany this afternoon.

And I TOTALLY disagree with you regarding that this point of view is not positive in this discussion, for I think it is VERY relative in that it questions the whole premise of searching for a healthy vaporizer in the first place, and that should not threaten you are anyone else.

So I'll ask the question again, in SPITE of you thinking that I am belittling anyone, for you are totally wrong in that accusation.

Do we put as much effort in trying to eat the healthiest food possible as we do in picking the healthiest vape to use? And if not, why don't we?

And Beezleb, there is no need for you to even consider this question if you feel belittled in the least (I guess that's the reason you didn't answer it), but I would like to hear from others, for it is an argument that has been rolling around in my head a bit today.

One other thing, Beezleb. There is nothing wrong in challenging the premise of a discussion, and in fact, it may actually be as substantive as any other discussions within this thread. Belittling anyone was and is the furthest thing from my mind.


Well-Known Member
lwien said:
Do we put as much effort in trying to eat the healthiest food possible as we do in picking the healthiest vape to use? And if not, why don't we?
Let's get this straight: vaping is not healthy. You can not compare eating healthy food to choosing a healthy vaporizer, because a healthy vaporizer does not exist. There are safe vaporizers, which do not use dangerous materials. I like safe. I like safe food, safe vapor, safe airplane rides.....


Well-Known Member
graywulf said:
lwien said:
Do we put as much effort in trying to eat the healthiest food possible as we do in picking the healthiest vape to use? And if not, why don't we?
point 1. The respiratory pathway and digestive pathway are inherently different. I'm saying they can't be used synonymously in the argument you are proposing.
point 2. Many treat the act of vaporizing (or smoking MJ in general) more of a ritual than they would eating a meal. Getting the most satisfying and pure (safe) vapor possible it just part of the experience.
point 3. Yes, I am somewhat of a health nut, and a cyclist, and healthy vapor and healthy food are two things I enjoy putting into my body :)
I understand. I'm 65 years old and run 4 miles 5+ days a week, so I'm pretty much of a health nut also.

But even though the respiratory pathways and digetstive pathways are different, we're still talking about putting the least amount of toxins in our bodies as we can, no matter if it's something we eat or something we inhale, for in both of those circumstances, we have choices to make.

I was just thinking that in the whole scheme of things, the small amount of toxins that we may take in from, say, brass parts in a vape, are miniscule compared to the toxins that we may take in in non-organic food, or the dangerous saturated fats and chemicals we take in from processed foods.

So, yeah, in my mind, it would make perfect sense to be very careful about what we vape out of if we also pay close attention to what we eat. Kinda both fits into the health consciousness. But if we're concerned about a bit of brass in a vape, and yet, we don't care much at all about what we eat, than is it really worth the effort to find a brassless vape? Kinda goes back to that MacDonalds analogy of someone who wants to lose weight by ordering a diet coke but then orders 3 Big Macs and a large order of fries.

I may be totally off base here with the comparisons, but it was just something I was thinking about this afternoon after reading this thread and the previous ones having to do with vape health concerns.


Well-Known Member
graywulf said:
lwien said:
Do we put as much effort in trying to eat the healthiest food possible as we do in picking the healthiest vape to use? And if not, why don't we?
Let's get this straight: vaping is not healthy. You can not compare eating healthy food to choosing a healthy vaporizer, because a healthy vaporizer does not exist. There are safe vaporizers, which do not use dangerous materials. I like safe. I like safe food, safe vapor, safe airplane rides.....
I agree, vaping is not healthy, but it's healthier than smoking, and as in food, there are healthier foods to eat than others and there are healthier vapes than others. It's not necessarily black and white.
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