I live about 3 miles downriver of our community's sewer treatment facilities. To facilitate breakdown after solids and water are separated, they put oxygen in the water to help break down the sewage by sprinkling the water through the air. Oxygen is a principal ingredient that helps to break down the waste. I would think that would also help dissipate any alcohol placed in the sewer.
Aerating definitely encourages certain biological growth and mixes waste water .. that's all good. But alcohol also kills much biological growth. It radically changes PH, which is a big no no for waste water plants.
And when it gets into ground water, rather than waste water going to a treatment plant, it's a real problem if there is enough of it.
Alcohol is also corrosive and destroys manmade creations, certain metals, seals, plastics, and things (engines have to be specially made to burn ethanol for example), including old New York city sewer pipes and the like....
Edit: methanol corrosion is the worst I think. Whether rubbing alcohol is up there, I dont know. I'm not overly environmental, I dont recycle anything but glass or metal because I think the chemicals, methods, and resources used to recycle plastic and paper are WAY worse for the environment, or just wasteful make work jobs, compared to just tossing paper and plastic in modern catacomb land fills. (
https://www.perc.org/ writes on this a bit, if anyone is curious)
We had recycling in Maine in the 1990's. Not a wealthy area. They stop doing it because it was just fake. Everyone sorted their shit and put it out for recycling. Town employees were hired to pick it up (extra garbage man to vote for the mayor... lol), and 90% of it all got tossed in a land fill anyway.
Recycling today ain't much better.
That all said I try to not deliberately spill or dump chemicals. I think the cumulative effect of everyone doing do is costly and wasteful and not polite to others or tax payers or our grand kids.
Can't say I haven't dumped some iso down the drain. But starting a fireplace or bbq is my preference, if for nothing else it saved some coin on starter fluid.
The fire escape is a fine idea--maybe add some vinegar and kill some fruit flies! Lol