Looking to make a pain relieving, rubbing alcohol based, topical. I've seen many postings on Massage oil, but looking for something quicker, easier, etc...
So, thought of soaking ABV and/or decarb'd fresh in 99% ISO, then applying to areas in need of pain relief with a cotton ball. (if not strong enough, could be evaporated off... but may increase stickiness, not sure).
Seeking input from anyone who's tried something similar. Would the actives absorb into the skin, or would this just create a sticky mess?
If the consensus is just a sticky mess, will chalk this idea up to too much elevation and get working on one of the popular massage oil recipes on FC.
So, thought of soaking ABV and/or decarb'd fresh in 99% ISO, then applying to areas in need of pain relief with a cotton ball. (if not strong enough, could be evaporated off... but may increase stickiness, not sure).
Seeking input from anyone who's tried something similar. Would the actives absorb into the skin, or would this just create a sticky mess?
If the consensus is just a sticky mess, will chalk this idea up to too much elevation and get working on one of the popular massage oil recipes on FC.