Thanks for posting that bro, fuck that is so scary that products with residual hexane, pentane, butane and ethyl acetate are being so openly and freely sold as '50 state legal'.
Please be careful US medical users, I really worry about this sorta thing! Here's to hoping US regulators can clamp down on these scams once and for all!
Also I've said it for a long time but this one confirms it:
Anyone saying they extract CBD from stalks is almost definitely lying to you. Stalks are simply impractical sources of CBD, especially from hemp plants (non-resinous cannabis plants). The low concentrations of cannabinoids, coupled with the increased likelihood of uptake of contaminants/toxins from the soil that are defining characteristics of cannabis plant stalks make stalks of hemp plants a very time consuming, labor/processing intensive and potentially dangerous process.
This lie may only be told to give the manufacturer less headaches in terms of selling their products to other US states (getting around federal legal issues), but remember that you really need your CBD oil to be tested by a reputable testing laboratory. Ensure that you test for solvents, microbes, bacteria, heavy metals as well as cannabinoids/terpenes.
Anyone who wants a hand in interpreting such results need only to shoot me a PM!