vapor nerd

Shoot well it's about time I posted my thermovape kit as it needs a new owner, need to consolidate and since I'm really into my inh004 right now and all I need is my lv darts to be happy

T1 on left, both evo's on right (lv and sv)

Note about the dart and rev: I have iso'd/boiled and dry burned 3 times to get off any particulates and to sterilize and clean the unit for mailing. These ceramic wafer will never be completely white again, note that they will have no taste but the ceramic is stained. Just something that can't be helped.
Everything has been cleaned, boiled, and sanitized to perfection, always been taken care of. Shown a lot of love. This is a lot so stay with me for a min.. it includes:
one T1 model number 008331 (along with an extra heating core and extra switch) , two evolution's with heat shields and o rings (one low voltage(black), one standard voltage(white) (but of course you can switch shields)) one revolution concentrate attachment with window for 6 volts, one DART for 6 volts, evolution adapter and a revolution adapter for using 510 on your battery switches. Also included is 3 full thermovape battery bases. Of course included are all batteries, two lv batteries with charger and 9 sets (2 to a set) of 3.0 tenergy batteries for standard voltage, and the t1. Car, 2 slot, and 4 slot charger for cr123a, 8 pack battery holder, two 4 pack tubes from thermovape. Also lots of extra mouthpieces various colors and lengths. Everything comes in it's own thermovape plastic container even the batteries, then inside the thermovape plastic jar. Also will throw in two eagle creek small pouches for things and chargers. Whew that is a lot of stuff. I will ship it all fast! Whole kit, don't need these awesome USA made products anymore, but hopefully someone on here will.
The rest of the pictures can be found on my imageshack library click here
Starting my price at 390.00
I do not have a paypal account but an open to trades or cash/check/money order/western union? (if that's allowed) I don't know I never sold anything on a forum before! Have been reading the rules very carefully and been in touch with vtac(thanks!) Only united states and canada buyers please!
Do not want to trade for any other vapes because I've about had them all. Glass, I like cool glass, or I don't know, cool vape stuff, or a Cloud;
I've always liked that Cloud thread, they all seem pretty happy..
Thanks guys I appreciate you looking!