My bottle of Nature's Answer Cranberry Extract arrived last night!
Right off the bat I noticed it's twice the volume of a bottle RezBlock, a simple measurement confirmed. I also realized Nature's Answer lists vegetable glycerin as the third ingredient, preceded by 2000 mg cranberry extract (equivalent to 8000 mg of cranberry fruit) and USP (United States Pharmacopeia) purified water. RezBlock lists vegetable glycerin as its second ingredient; in theory it should foam/bubble more but it's barely noticeable. Upon closer inspection there is a definite difference in translucency; Nature's Answer is considerably darker than RezBlock.
Extracts are usually labeled with milligrams of plant material per milliliters of extract. A lot of companies list their ratios as 1:2, 1:3 sometimes as low as 1:5. This is where Nature's Answer sets themselves apart, their ratios are (from what I've seen) always at least 1:1. In the case of their cranberry extract it's kind of confusing.
As you can see, the label has only one ratio listed under supplemental facts. One serving size is 2 mL of extract. The confusing part is that the label lists the supplemental value of cranberry extract in a recommended serving size of cranberry extract...?

The asterisks next to it indicate one 2 mL serving to contain 8000 mg of cranberry fruit. That's 4000 mg of plant material per mL of extract, a 4000:1 ratio.
I've seen 10:1, even 25:1 but 4000:1 seems impossibly high. Granted it's also seemingly impossible to overdose on cranberry extract. Unless you take blood thinners or are prone to kidney stones, vomiting and diarrhea are the extent of cranberry overdose symptoms.
The bottom line is Nature's Answer Cranberry Extract works just as well if not better than RezBlock for our applications. The fact that one bottle of RezBlock is already over 3x the price of a bottle of Nature's Answer, is already pretty staggering. Now consider the possibility that Nature's Answer is also far more concentrated. From what I know about it's translucency in comparison to RezBlock, in addition to the numbers I went through above, it's
very likely. To top it all off, one bottle of Nature's Answer is twice the volume of a bottle of RezBlock! Enough said!