Hello again everyone !
I did restart to list glass on etsy for those who ask , i just realise a month ago that they never ban glass pipes so i did re start to list . Unfortunatly like some people know Purple days close there shop , that mean that i will not be able to get stainless tips again so it will be more complicated to continu to make glass for the pd . However that also mean that i will be able to make glass for all the other log vap but i will need some help from you guys , what i would like to do is basicly doing the glass and include with it a silicone sleeve and the buyer will just have to take the metal tips from there standard plastic stem and fit it in my glass piece . Were I need help is with the size of the metal tips , so if some of you do have an Aromazap or a woodez and would like to mesure the outside diameter and the length of the metal tips that would be awsome ! Also if some of you would like to see some custom glass for a specific vaporizer than let it me know , i looking for new thing to do as my skills greatly improuve in the last year , i'll try to find some pix later in the week !
Peace !