Hey BL4ZE, I think Nycdeisel got you started!
Grunge Off is designed specifically for resin buildup, for this reason it provides a great cleaning solution for combustion and vapor alike (Having said that, for me Grunge Off is a little overkill for
my vapor-bonging applications...its so easy to stop resin from building up when vaporizing that a long Grunge Off soak isn't always necessary IMO). So, Grunge Off is NOT designed for hardwater stains.
Like Nyc mentioned, it does sound like you've got some hard-water stains. These "deposits" might be calcium, lime etc. coming from your tap water (I would guess you're using tap water here?) If you're looking to get rid of them there are a couple consumer products available that should do the trick:
CLR: Nasty, toxic stuff that is great for this application. Soak (according to the directions...probably add a little warm water to the solution) and
make sure to do a post-soak ISO rinse to rid whatever is left behind from the CLR.
Cascade: You want the OLD kind of Cascade that's no longer being produced AFAIK for the US market...the powdered kind with
phosphates in it. The phosphates are what you're after! If you can find this then I think you'll be all set.
TSP: If you can't find the older, discontinued Cascade dish-washing detergent then powdered TSP can achieve similar results. After all, the "P" in TSP stands for Phosphates!
Oxy-Clean: A strong solution, some shaking, then a soak can do wonders.
White vinegar
Hope that's helpful. Take a trip to the hardware store and at least something in the above list should be on the shelves. Let us know how it goes! And take pics/video of the glass once its clean (or not

Also, try distilled water from now on! A recent incident has pushed me to use distilled water when filling and (final) rinsing my pieces and I've certainly noticed a difference. Its so cheap and comes by the gallon its become a no-brainer for me.