My first vape I ever got was a year and a half ago, it was some cheap Chinese box vape that a friend of mine 'didnt want'. I honestly doubted its safety, and I'd never heard of vaping or knew anything about the temperatures that the compounds vape at and honestly I dont think this guy did either! We started it off at what this box claimed was 150c and I just remembered my first draw, blowing it out thinking wow, this tastes so pure. so we crank it to 220c and on my first hit, our whole .5g bowl combusted and I got the harshest smoke hit of my life

. After some experimentation it made a pretty solid vapor through convection. I had never heard of a vaporizer before this, and I liked it, but ended up giving it away due to safety concerns
A few months later I tried a friends Volcano. This was when I decided I needed a quality vaporizer, but I couldn't afford a volcano, so I looked around for alternatives. I went out and bought a Vapor Genie, and I love it. Best 70$ (local headshop) I've ever spent. It's been my daily drive for the passed while ever since my extreme's glass heater cover broke (well, I broke it) for the 4th time. I spent 50% more than the online price of a vapor genie just in glass heater covers on that fucker! (25$ a heater cover replacement). I don't plan on replacing it again, however when I had the extreme working I loved it for its percision in temperature control and how little you could pack in the elbow and still get very rich hits.
Now I'm getting tired of having to focus so much on toking with my Vapor Genie. I'll admit the "lighting it like a pipe" factor can be a plus and fun, but it gets tiresome, and I have to refill my lighter every day. (lame even if butane cans last forever)
I'm building a Purple Days. I figure I don't do good with any kind of glass or breakable vaporizer, so I'll get one I can run over with a truck. And 30-40 bowls per gram sounds pretty nice too. I'm thinking of even going out and getting an acrylic/plastic waterfilter for it

(No body say nothin about glass to me, I already have enough half-pieces decorating my cabinet!)