Reliable portable convection vaporizer

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Haha megalols you should post this on the zion thread probably upset a few people. Tbf zion looks like a pretty exciting vape just waaay tooo bulky .. however theyre coming out with a smaller brother soon. Sorry to derail that comment was toooo funny.
Note "with all due respect" - I do mean that, as hilarious as the latter comment was.
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Space is the Place
people recommending the Firewood and Zion; with all due respect I think they look like something made in my dads shed.

Can't speak from first hand experience with the Zion but if your dad can make something like the Firewood 3 in his shed he's quite the craftsman and you should be proud to be his offspring. What do you want? All plastic instead?
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Well my grandfather invented his own camera, and built all sort of things such as boats. He could of made that in his shed I can tell you.

I want vapes that look like they won't set on fire. That thing is called Fire-Wood, and it is made of wood that looks like it will char and set alight from the inside.
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Trichome Technician
I've got a Firewood 3 en route, and after reading the thread, watching tons of videos... (Big Shout out to @paytonpenn :tup: .... I need to login when I watch your videos, Subscribe, Follow, and all that stuff... Excellent videos man)

I am sooooo stoked for its arrival.

As far as aesthetic appeal..

IMO ...I find it's beautiful, lovely piece of art.

I do admit, I find beauty in simplicity... The warmth of wood, craftsmanship..

I can't wait to have that wonderful artwork in my hand.

I'm just an anolog man in a digital world I reckon.


Darth Vapor
I'm really surprised that not more people here are pointing out that vaping herbal tobacco is not a great idea at all. :shrug:

And if he MUST consume nicotine instead of quitting, then better as an E-liquid or better still Nicotine patches or similar. NO?

Then he can use herbal vapes for weed or hash.

And I'm sorry but people recommending the Firewood and Zion; with all due respect I think they look like something made in my dads shed.

Vapman is supposed to be good for hash. Like the Lotus.

So you base a vaporizer decision on what it looks like over its actual performance? Don't judge a book by its cover. This type of attitude will have you missing out on some of the best vapes on the market IMO.

The Zion looks like a great vaporizer, taste, efficiency, and power... plus it runs on batteries.

But, it won't offer anymore than the Lotus, Vapman, or vapcap offer already.

Ummm. Do you own a Zion? I do. I also own a Lotus, VapCap, and vapman. All great vapes but the Zion does offer a LOT more than any of the others so i would say you dont know what you are talking about.
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Looks do matter. Mainly in the sense that from the way these vapes 'look' it seems compared to the more commercial devices out there, the firewood and zion have very little money or tech behind them. I'd prefer the Zion to the firewood any day; and to be honest I'm sure the firewood works fine. It was just a passing comment and I was simply pointing out that these two vapes are not the cutting edge of vaporisers from what I can tell.


Care to expand? Why say you own this and that and then leave it there.

I talked regarding my experience and knowledge but i don't claim to be certain 100% of the time. My vapes are on my signature precisely so people understand the difference between opinion and experience.
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Darth Vapor
The Zion has very little tech behind it? What do you make this basis off of? I would actually argue it has some of the most if not the most advanced heater technology on the market.

The fw3 is pretty unique with its vibration feedback too. I believe the only vape on the market with such technology

To me, when you state an opinion you have as a fact instead of the opinion it actually is... It appears as though your statement is ignorant. How could you pass such judgement without ever even using a particular vape.


The Zion has very little tech behind it? What do you make this basis off of? I would actually argue it has some of the most if not the most advanced heater technology on the market.

The fw3 is pretty unique with its vibration feedback too. I believe the only vape on the market with such technology

To me, when you state an opinion you have as a fact instead of the opinion it actually is... It appears as though your statement is ignorant. How could you pass such judgement without ever even using a particular vape.
because they look like they were made in my dads shed. That is how.


Because the vaporization process tends to be similar in many vapes, so you can infer with accuracy what they'll behaviour will be like. Isn't that how we all choose our vaporizers?

I stated an opinion, it was you who read it as fact.

In the end, i don't care about the tech. I care about user experience and handling of the vaporizer. I like my vapes to have pure taste, long lasting and be very efficient and versatile. I believe torch vapes offer those options with a higher degree of versatility than others, including the Zion.

And i don't see how the Zion would be more efficient than the Lotus or the Vapman. Perhaps it is!, but my experience with other vaporizers tell me its not. And so you understand, this is an opinion.


Darth Vapor
As i said earliar, dont judge a book by its cover, you may miss out on some excellent cutting edge vapes. Oh... And some of us prefer wood to plastic.

The VM is pure conduction. The Vapcap is conduction convection and radiant. The Lotus is convection, but doesnt have the consistency of the others IMO. Again all good or even great vapes, but diffrent tools that provide diffrent experiences.

I wasnt saying you were stating opinion as fact, i was reaponding to @sativasam's statment about the technology in the Zion and FW3


You don't have to tell me their extraction profile, i already know that.

My concerns are pure taste, efficiency, long lasting flavour and easy to clean. Pure Materials. Thats it.

I don't get inconsistent results with the Lotus, and i have a Vapcap on the way.

If the tech is good but makes the vaporizer cost 2x, 3x or 5x the price of a torch vaporizer who provides you with the same taste, efficiency and high, regardless of its extraction profile... what does the Zion have to offer? A button that allows to control a heater instead of manual flame? To me it only offers silence over the others.

But then again, its just how i see it.

If the vapcap at 30USD gets you at the same place as a 200USD vaporizer, why go for the latter? For a button?

I prefer my manual clutch and my simple vaporizers, i need to be a little more alert to what i'm doing, but i have a lot more money saved.

Since my Lotus, that was bought 2 years ago, i didn't buy anything else. just the vapcap now.


Darth Vapor
@IAmKrazy2 Being a beta tester for Zion, you wouldn't happen to have an invested interest in the zion would you?

I paid for it like everyone else. If i didnt like it, i would be damn vocal just like anyone else who was unsatisfied. I wouldnt say i have a vested interest, but i cetainly am passionate about the Zion and probably a bit defensive when others who have never tried it make statements that i disagree with after trying it first hand myself. I still believe there is some flaws, mostly size and the fact that i am not a fan of the removable glass stem delivery system. But, these concerns are easy to look past when you got a pure convection battery powered vape with good battery life capable of providing such power so quickly.... I dont think it is the end all be all. But no vape likely will ever be IMO

I dont really want to get into it with you but all i am saying is that i own the VM, VC, and Lotus AND the Zion. The fact i actually own all these seems to put me in a better position to make statements on performance than someone who has not tried the Zion IMO
IMO the Zion offers a ton that the others don't contrary to your statment that it doesnt (despite the fact you have never even seen a Zion up close). Enough said from my end. Done.
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Still nothing said on your part.

And you still focus on tech to evaluate the Zion. And i never talked about tech, i was speaking of its function and effects.

And i agree the Zion is looking like its gonna be a great unit that looks like a nice adition to the market.
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little maggie

Well-Known Member
I'd be glad to add how much I prefer the Zion to the vapman and others like the Daisy which is much bulkier than the Zion.
But this thread is still about vapes available in Europe which leaves out the Zion for now. So I'd still recommend the Haze which is incredibly user friendly. You can even pack some of the little cartridges with herb and bring them with you if you're leaving home. Plus it comes with 2 batteries so that as soon as one stops you can put the other in and never be without power.
(And I'm not paid by them.)


Darth Vapor
Still nothing said on your part.

And you still focus on tech to evaluate the Zion. And i never talked about tech, i was speaking of its function and effects.

And i agree the Zion is looking like its gonna be a great unit that looks like a nice adition to the market.

Well what you actually said, and i quote, "it (the Zion) won't offer anymore than the Lotus, Vapcap, and Vapman offer already."

Wouldn't the fact that the Zion is a battery powered convection vape alone offer something the others don't offer? Wouldnt this fact alone be contrary to your statement?

I would contend there is actually nothing said on YOUR part. Nothing of substance anyway. Nothing from someone who has tried the zion, and is in a position to speak on what it actually can and can not offer. I personally dont make statements like that from vapes i have never even seen. I feel it is unfair to the community to act like i know about a vape i have never tried. How do you feel qualified to place an opinion on a vape if you have never tried it? You just making a guess?

You say i focus on the tech of the Zion to determine if it can offer something other vapes can't? Damn fucking right i do buddy.

@sativasam. No offense taken. I have seen just enough of your posts to enjoy some of your perspective. No worries.

Edit. I have the Lotus, VC, and Vapman. All great vapes. I beta tested for VC and still am. Probably will be one of the first to get an all TI. I also invested more than a couple hundred dollara into the company because i love the VC! But i have also used and own a Zion. Readers of this thread can feel free to trust someone who has tried the Zion, or someone who hasnt. Readers choice.
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Well-Known Member
Hello to the FC community

I'm looking to purchase a reliable portable vaporizer and as I see the firefly is one of those without the reliability I am looking for.
The use of the vaporizer is for dry herbs tobacco and traditional hash if there's one that I can mix tobacco and hash that's the one for me.
I'm new to vaporizer and it is going to be my first one.
Thanks in advance.

If this is your first i would have to go with a pax you can get one on ebay for about $75
(very powerfull huge clouds,an )

if conduction is the answer for vaping tobacco I am open to any recommendation

The pax is the best choice and for price it's hard to beat.


Toolbag v1.1 (candidate)
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This thread is supposed to answer a question posed by a member, and should not be a debate about comparing different designs. If you aren't posting advice for the OP then please don't post. You can debate all you like somewhere else, but hijacking someone's thread is impolite and against our rules:
  • Stay on topic. Please avoid derailing or side-tracking discussions.


Well-Known Member
OP, can I ask why you are set on convection only? I haven't tried a huge number of vapes but out of the ones I have tried, I have generally liked the two (mostly?) conduction ones better. I never would have thought it. But I would wager a lot of folks here have used a dozen or more vapes and would be more qualified to offer advice. I just think you may be setting your sights too short by only wanting a convection vaporizer.
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