RBT Splinter issues with WPA


New Member
Hey there!

I recently got my splinter and I must say I am really in love with it. I also ordered the cooling mouthpiece and the 14mm waterpipe adapter as I still own a magic flight orbiter and wanted to use it with the splinter.

Long story short: Vapor production is great when used with the cooling mouthpiece but with the water pipe adapter I can heat up all I want, no vapor; and at some point it just starts to combust.

Anyone with a similar issue that can give advice?

Edit: Settings used - 30W in VW Mode, 5s manual preheat.


Well-Known Member
Welcome to FC @Vapesenson. You will likely get "better" info Quicker if you ask vape specific questions in the thread for that vape.

In this case, under portable vaporizers, there is a splinter thread.

There are mod discussions in this same forum of Ask FC.

Good luck on your vape quest.


New Member
Welcome to FC @Vapesenson. You will likely get "better" info Quicker if you ask vape specific questions in the thread for that vape.

In this case, under portable vaporizers, there is a splinter thread.

There are mod discussions in this same forum of Ask FC.

Good luck on your vape quest.

Thank you! Gonna take a look into that.
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