Vapor concierge
I'm game! Are you going to do a gong adapter for bubblers?
You can count me in if you do a GonG adapter and for a couple of the medium length stems alsoI'm game! Are you going to do a gong adapter for bubblers?
I'm game! Are you going to do a gong adapter for bubblers?
You can count me in if you do a GonG adapter and for a couple of the medium length stems also
18mm M to 18mm M we can do.
Got you down for 2 shorties. Thank you! Somehow missed your post.Count me in for 2 shorties, please. Nice work!
Got you down for 2 shorties. Thank you! Somehow missed your post.
For anyone else following just a quick update. I'm working on getting this initial order started and then getting some prototypes of the 18M to 18M and 18M to 14M.
@smutman can you elaborate further on what you'd like?
Have a lifted weekend everyone!
I would say keep an eye on the thread cause is working on a solution for micro loading...perhaps that will get you closer to what your looking for.I will be passing on these. I need the screen on the other end (not near the 14,18mm male end as I see in the pics). What ya got posted pic wise doesn't help me but I do thank you for asking. Wish y'all luck in this venture
We have been experimenting with some glass to use along with the stems shown in the previous posts. The two pieces listed in the bottom two pictures allow for less material to be used in the glass screened stem.
Keep in mind, that these German joints vary in glass width from the joints being used by RBT in house and that are included with the Milaana. These two micro-dosing solutions above will not fit inside the RBT stems.
On the left is the Top Hat: It acts as a bullet like insert for the glass screened stem. Materials do not need to be ground if using dry flowers (buds), simply break off a piece that is a little wider on one or two sides than the diameter of the tube and insert them inside. With the Top Hat, normally about two budlets will fill the hat. Extraction doesn't happen as quickly compared to ground up material, however the taste sticks around longer.
On the right is the 12mm crutch: With this, simply insert the crutch into the glass joint first so it sits next to the screen melted in place. At the end, insert a budlet to lock both the budlet and glass crutch in place. This reduces the amount of material needed compared to the Top Hat or the glass screened stem alone. Extraction happens at a slower rate than ground herb but taste remains longer.
For reference Bare stem: Holds 3-4 budlets and using with this method, it will take longer to heat the materials farthest away from the heater.
Please let me know thoughts, suggestions, improvements, etc.
Thank you @Copacetic! I do believe several Top Hats could easily be prefilled and loaded as needed. Waiting on some material to arrive and I'll see what I can do in terms of a caddy.Sign me up for some Top hats and a crutch!
These look like they may well be brilliant, especially when combined with your stems.
Could several of the 'Top Hats' be prefilled, and loaded on demand?
If so we may need you or @Ratchett to offer a caddy for a few pre-filled Top Hats.
Really looking forward to these, well done![]()
Hoping to get production rolling next week.Eagerly, eagerly waiting for all this to be available.
BRILLIANT!Thank you @Copacetic! I do believe several Top Hats could easily be prefilled and loaded as needed. Waiting on some material to arrive and I'll see what I can do in terms of a caddy.
Hoping to get production rolling next week.
For everyone waiting or requesteing the GonG 18M to 18M or 18M to 14M, what kind of length would be optimal for the middle section between the joints?
@virtualpurple See you are interested in 2, but which 2 exactly?
Thanks again for the support everyone!
Any idea of price yet?
I'm interested in a short stem but would like to see prices and final product. Thanks