Research Geek, Mad Scientist
There is a woman at my job I wish sat somewhere else. I don't work directly with her, but she sits where if I leave my office I have to walk by her desk for just about anything. I happen to think she is lovely.
So I wish she sat off in a corner somewhere where I never saw her, as I always feel like a huge creep walking by as my eyes can't help noticing her & brain thinking "that is just lovely." (in much the same way as if walking by there were suddenly a beach with a fantastic sunset.)
Sexual Harassment Seminar over here! (jk).
Have you actually talked with her? Is there some potential that your feeling is mutual?
What are the risks? List the positives and negatives and BE honest! As long as you are both consenting single adults, only company policy might muck up the works, my last company allowed it as long as there no effect in either chain of command.
Trust me, while you feel like you're in a spotlight viewing her beauty, she probably has ENOUGH experiences with men who are more prone to grab, pinch, hoot & holler, etc... than guys who imagine they are redder than red as they walk by that desk. So you're starting off ahead. THAT is NOT license to leer, ogle, etc.
failing all that, talk to your manager and see if there is a managerial fix that might keep her out of your line of sight. the world doesn't need more distractions! (I wouldn't mind more beauty <heart/mind/body>)