There was a "straw" so to speak that broke the camels back though. After he was stealing me weed and we had that blowup, my "connect" well by golly wouldn't you know he always had weed when I needed it. But when he needed it, well conveniently he is now dry.
Funny enough though, a few other guys I know, he basically burned the bridges. By whining and demanding things, they're doing you a service, don't act like a shit. He literally has one guy now to get tree from unless me or other roommate gets it for him.
And I wasn't getting him stuff for a long while. But then a handful of months pass after the first blow up, and he's been.....alright. Still a general douche, but at least reminds me why I became friends in the first place. I end up getting him nuggets a few times. More importantly, my connect started getting BHO which just isn't common around here. I get some for myself a few times, and he eventually begs me to get him some, so I do. Do this a few times.
One day a few months back, both my nails were filthy. He doesn't have equipment, he was using my nails. I take the nails apart, and plan on sitting them in ISO for the day. I do that at lunch.
ME, knowing that he has some dabs he'll want to use, but now won't have a way of ingesting them, shoot him a text: "Hey man, I'm letting my nails soak in ISO for the day, so if you want to dab you'll have to grab a nail on the way home"
He responds, "Pay me my rent money today then."
I should note, he told me originally to pay at the end of month. Last of month, I always paid my rent. He never has to tell me, and I'm never late.
So I respond to him, because that response annoyed me...."OK. You should keep a better grip on your finances if you need my rent money to buy a $40 nail."
He goes off about how I know nothing about responsibilities and "You don't have to write an 800 check each month!" and how if I keep that tone I can "use your equipment at your rents" and how he "shouldn't have to tell me when to pay me."
That fucking made me lose it. When you choose to tell me to pay you without being prompted, don't fucking dare try to throw that back in my face that you shouldn't need to do that.
I basically say to him: You're right. You don't need to do that. Seeing as how I'm never late, don't know why you chose to do that. But if you want to by all means go ahead not like I can physically stop you. That he should of just thanked me for letting him know the nail was out of commission, and that he should just be thanking me for getting him dabs because he wouldn't have them otherwise.
He has the audacity again to chew me out, and then hours later send me a text telling me to make sure I get him the gram I was supposed to. Lol. I did get him the gram, as the deal was already brokered prior to him acting like a fuckboy.
Ah, but this is the real icing on the cake. I have another friend from Erie who comes down occasionally, and has different connects in the city with some really awesome concentrates. He shows up the next day, oh hey, he has concentrates? Bring any for me to try or to buy? My roommate whose a fuck bought an 1/8 but didn't extend the offer to me to buy any. I took that as my hint that he truly doesn't need me for BHO.
(Keep in mind, he would BEG me not to forget his orders and would ask constantly when I was going to go get it......and I'd let him know when I was going and get his order.......guess the courtesy isn't extended the other way)
That was at the end of November. I should mention, that the day he asked for his rent to buy the nail, I did indeed give it to him that day. And then promptly on the first of December, I paid my entire December rent in full so he would have no leverage or anything to bitch about or to ask me to get for him in lieu of rent.
My dude who I buy weed from, he's back at the old habit, he always has weed when I need it, and is always out when he needs it
My shitty roommate needs trees today. He'll probably ask me to text or call one of the other connects. I always "text" them and they never respond....

(Funny, he will text them and they'll actively ignore, when I do text them they get back to me in 5 minutes)
My dude who has BHO, ah, well he doesn't do that anymore. "Do you have any BHO to sell me HWS??" "NOPE. Sorry. My dude doesn't get it as often anymore and this may be the last of it."
Just the other day I got a bunch of this really nice purple weed, of course I knew he would want me to ask my guy to sell him some of that soon. Aw shucks, my guy only had a half ounce for me specifically....
That lockbox I own, has a 3 digit padlock on it. I legitimately feel that in the half hour he's home and I'm not home from work, or if I go out to get food, I straight up feel he would try every single combination to be able to get in there. I change it almost daily. The few times I had to leave for extended periods of time, I would take my lockbox and put it in my car. Can't even let my stash where I'm residing without fear of him breaking into it.....that's just fucked on many levels among other things and one of the many reasons why I need to move out.
It's tough though....I make good and decent money. I pay sub $200 on rent. My cost of living shoots up a lot if I rent on my own, but luckily I've been able to amass a decent savings over the last year or so. The money I save isn't worth the stress and discomfort, although for awhile I kind of thought it did. Mental health is more important! Few times I thought I was legit going crazy because of how warped his perception really that's what happened???
Thanks for reading if you took the time, I know it's kind of disjointed but like I said it feels good to vent. I got like "Drive" for the day to make sure I am better at conquering my day today than he is at conquering his. Lol. Shouldn't be hard, he works 8 hours selling and driving around hose material and then comes home and plays video games and eats frozen food from 5:30-11...dude is stagnant as fuck in his life.
(First time I've ever had a post be too long for one post)