QWISO for all first runs! When done with perfect technique is absolutely delicious. It is true what Skunk Pharm say, there is very little tastier than a perfect QWISO extraction from cured high end nugs.
However, ethanol is absolutely indispensible in my technique. Those later washes that get a bit darker can be turned into pristine material using a tiny bit of ethanol and winterizing. As I have reported back before, Frozen LWET is the premiere way of getting ALL of those cannabinoids out of your material especially if your starting material is hash. Makes a crystal clear absolute shatter that is heady as anything you've ever dabbed before
Still, you can get better results more easily with QWET. I would say that for most people, unless they live somewhere like me where ethanol is way too expensive ($70 for 500ml) ethanol is the better option!