Purple Days vs Da Buddha

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Well-Known Member
Ok I know a lot of people hate these vs threads but i haven't found anything comparing these two vapes directly. Right now I am a college student so i don't have tons of money to spend on a vaporizer but can justify spending around 150 bucks for something healthier and more efficient than smoking.

I will start off by saying that I owned a SSV about two years ago but it broke so I gave it away. The SSV is the only vape i have ever tried, and i liked it quite a bit which is why i am strongly considering Da Buddha. But before i make my decision i have a couple questions that i hope some of you guys can help me out with.

First of all, how different is the DB from the SSV? I have read that you can get thicker hits with the SSV because it has a smaller intake hole but is that the only difference besides the GonG connection? and if so couldn't you just inhale slower so the air spends more time by the heating element to get a thicker vapor? If that really is the only difference it seems like a no brainer to get the DB unless you want more customization or a non-handsfree setup.

My second question is how hits from each unit compare. The DB boasts an all-glass design, which seems like a big plus to me. But the PD is made from stainless steel which i'm sure vaporizes at a much much higher temperature than any plant, so does it even make a difference? or are there still traces of metal being released with your vapor?

My last question has to do with the efficiency of the PD. Efficiency is very important to me, but i don't see how the PD could be more efficient than a variable temperature vaporizer like the DB. From what I have read the most efficient way to vaporize is start at a low temperature and slowly raise it until you are done. The reason i ask this is I have read countless reports of how efficient the PD is and i just don't understand how that is possible.

Sorry this ended up being so long i got a little carried away, but any help would be very appreciated


vapor junkie
Staff member
Ok I know a lot of people hate these vs threads but...
You could have at least posted this in the right section then. :rolleyes: j/k I'll move it for you. The reason we dislike a thread like this is because a) You're trying to compare (vs?) 2 completely different vapes / apples to oranges. and b) If you'd take some time to read the relevant threads that so many users have taken time to post information in, you'd have a better answer than you'll get here.

First of all, how different is the DB from the SSV?
Aside from visual differences and the heater cover/wand interface it's pretty similar. The differences have been discussed in depth in relevant threads here, check 'em out.

But the PD is made from stainless steel which i'm sure vaporizes at a much much higher temperature than any plant, so does it even make a difference? or are there still traces of metal being released with your vapor?
Do you really think we'd be using it if this was the case?

Efficiency is very important to me, but i don't see how the PD could be more efficient than a variable temperature vaporizer like the DB.
Read the PD thread and maybe you'll see. Small load efficiently heated. ~40 bowls per gram.

If you liked the SSV, then by all means buy a DBV. www.tokinsvapes.com


Well-Known Member
hehe, on the ink.

I would consider the PD and the DB to be similar in efficiency with the difference going to the purple days in making it more noticeable.

Understand, a full PD is not a full DBV wand. The DBV can hold more weed and perform better in quantity easily but with that said the PD in my opinion is noticeably cloudier than the DBV at smaller amounts. Now that does not mean one gives more than the other all things equal but I honestly believe the PD does a better job at vaping a smaller bowl better than the DBV.

Think DBV strong and the PD as a bit more in the stamina area based upon model limitations. The DBV is in essence not as good at smaller amounts.

What is the better answer is my opinion? Both together is best as typically the PD will create abv that can be effectively revaped in a vape such as the DBV where the DBV can leave the ABV in a more drained state.

How to choose? I dont know but may efficiency at smaller amounts versus stronger draws.


vapor junkie
Staff member
Beezleb, have you used a PD? I'm not trying to be a jerk, just want to clarify.


Well-Known Member
The other day but I wont again unless I buy one or get one from someone else. I helped a person buy one for medical use and he is an older gentleman not really pro weed.

Certainly a limited experience and not time to really play with it. Most of my in put is based on the vast amount information from here, other places and what people send me privately.

I am more an activist for vaporizing and do not really care about a particular model but what works best for a person in particular need. Typically medically needed and not recreational. I also live in a non weed friendly state and by who I am related to, as im sure you agree I am no one special, but could bring woe upon others by explaining myself further. In truth I am slowly suffering from lou gerigs disease but have outlived by 6 years and am no longer considered terminal at this point in time. I still have nothing much to look forward than 4 walls. I help those who are like me and most are cancer sufferers.

Dont get caught up in direct experience. My family has helped make the space shuttle fly, clean up oil spills, economic development and vast many other aspects without direct experience. I am confident in my data.


vapor junkie
Staff member
Dont get caught up in direct experience.
As far as vapes are concerned I think I have to respectfully disagree with you. :)

If I wanted specific information I'd much rather get it from someone who has used a wealth of vapes than someone who's only read about them. That's not to say you can't be knowledgeable strictly from reading opinions... but how many of those opinions were from direct experience? See where I'm going?

Really hope I'm not just coming off as a jerk here, my intentions are good at least. :lol:


Well-Known Member
fair enough but im not talking to you, meaning my message and info. I welcome and respect any aspect you can highlight in my writings to illustrate a difference in opinion from your direct usage based on my specific writing when applicable.

Certainly I am not always going to be wholly correct but I believe I have the respect of many who read my writings as I am genuine and do my best to direct someone to where to go to look for more info and/or to go in what direction. I try not to speak in absolutes and I can be brutally honest which is flaw I have but I rather be honest than political.


vapor junkie
Staff member
fair enough but im not talking to you, meaning my message and info.
Sometimes I should just keep my mouth shut I guess. Sorry about your ailments btw. :/

I guess I just put a high value on experience when it comes to vapes. Certainly the quality of information out there has gotten better in the last years, especially thanks to the great people on this forum. But it still doesn't take long to find someone stating with authority that "X is the best vape bar none" when they've never used anything but.

The PD is actually a pretty good example, at least a few people have been really disappointed when first trying it. But after more experience it's a completely different story.

Argh, you're so quick on that edit button. :D


Well-Known Member
We are are all still in school, even when we are seniors and think we know better.

No worries on my ailments, but thats why im around all the time hehe.


Well-Known Member
Well for me it was a no brainer, which one will survive the trials and tribulations of life ? which one can you drive over and still use? :) saying that Im getting a Buddha as well :p I want a back up and I do like a big bowl too sometimes... So I will have the best of both worlds....
IMO the question is which should you buy first :D

Truth is they are just different, the PD is a portable, so for me I definitely need a portable, but not all the time. Recently my one vape died on me and I was left vapeless in a harsh and cruel world... sob, so Im in the process of making sure that doesnt happen again! :)


combustion fucker
With the PD you can be sure that never happens again. I'd get the PD first, then it doesn't matter what you get after that.


Out to lunch
My last question has to do with the efficiency of the PD. Efficiency is very important to me, but i don't see how the PD could be more efficient than a variable temperature vaporizer like the DB. From what I have read the most efficient way to vaporize is start at a low temperature and slowly raise it until you are done. The reason i ask this is I have read countless reports of how efficient the PD is and i just don't understand how that is possible.
The PD is more efficient than any regular sized whip unit because there's very little condensation loss. As vapor travels through 2-3' feet of glass and tubing, with cooler surfaces, you're going to get condensation. Even the Vapolution, using just the all glass, 8" AIW bowl and no tubing, collects much more condensation in the bowl than the shorter, poypropylene and steel PD vapor tube.

The other, and probably more important factor for efficiency, is the tendency to take the bigger hits that larger vapes can supply. I've been using both the SSV and PD for some time now-the Surfer for a year, and the PD since last May. Although I can and do sometimes take bigger PD hits than I can efficiently process, I consistently waste vapor with the SSV, because I enjoy the big hits. Certainly you can load less and/or take small hits from any vape, but if you like beer it's kinda hard to make yourself take tiny sips as if it were wine or straight liquor. ;)

Now if anyone wants to argue that the THC via vapor is absorbed as quickly as it is with smoke, feel free. But my opinion is based on the info from the University of Leiden that 30-40% of the THC in vapor is lost with a quick exhale. It makes sense to me and that's the approach I use with vaporizing. So on the basis of very low condensation loss, and smaller than average hits due to the small bowl, I can't think of another popular vape that can compete with the PD for efficiency. Now if you want to consider higher vaping temps in the efficiency dept., then any vape with a temp control has the edge.


Fog Huffer
Not that I'm a shill for the HappyVappy, but it certainly fits the bill for a first-time vaporizer, albeit a bit overpriced. It's very effective, very easy to use, very efficient. It warms up in only about 2 or 3 minutes, so it has that advantage. I learned a lot about vaporization with this as it is my second unit. The first was one of those cheap-ass lame soldering irons with plate inside fish bowl deal.

Having said all that, I will be purchasing both a Vapor Genie and Da Buddha in a couple of weeks. The HappyVappy will be used when I need to be stealthy around the house.

mod note: Please stay on topic. We have a Happy Vappy thread and multiple DBV threads. Your post doesn't really contribute to this particular subject.


Well-Known Member
The reason why the PD is more efficient is because the small bowl ensures that everything gets vaporized.

With a wand bowl, the heat can flow around the sides and not completely vaporize whats in the center, forcing you to have to stir the bowl each time.

I never stir bowls on the PD.


Glass Blower
you are right HoneyAir exept for the Extreme , because the heater is under ,each time you take a puff it automaticly stir the herb , it this why the extreme is eficient and have a really clean vapor :)

just wanna add my :2c: on this
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