I can confirm that the main difference between E C and Fenix is only aesthetic. E C looks IMO way more stealth in mind, with glossy black letters on matte it only says "The Convector" and an EDIT logo, Fenix got white writings over saying "designed in California" and certification markings, like CE for European Conformity, crossed‐out dustbin symbol for slow people (not to bin the fuckin' thing with full of toxic stuff), RoHS (means its tested for having levels of shit below very minimal levels, no/minimal content of lead in solder for example). Extra marks
only on the box: rechargeable battery recycle mark (if its dead, it can be recycled in designated places, for less mining abuse of the planet as more resources can come back from "death") ... stop here for a moment, as both Fenix and E C have the green recycle symbol on the box, which stands for Nickel cadmium batteries, which is - technically speaking - a better option, last longer, performs better, takes more abuse, safer in overall, but not what it is mentioned in the user guide (Class A lithium battery) so one of the information is wrong.
Would love to hear more on this from a battery expert! Then you got and an 18+ symbol only to make you either feel guilty, or old. EC's coating is way less of a fingerprint collector, indeed have the same silky feel, but less rubbery smell, I am afraid not too resistant to abuse either. Inside I have found the very exact same construction, same (!) PCB (W501 V02 P/N:10800708 20151119.) same battery, etc. I decided making no extra video of this, as I have a way more exciting project:
-Though many -including myself- claimed no foul taste at all, in fact I have to admit, that there is a certain manufacture taste lingers ever so slightly in the mouth when pulling air through the factory original device. Not everyone will agree this I know, but connoisseurs will pick it up immediately. Of course this taste is literally nothing compared to
most vapes I ever tried, and certainly non apparent after the very first few uses (or burn-offs), but my mod-project is related to this. As the airpath is physically closed, chances to determine the source is very limited, so here is, what I have done so far/about to do:
-after disassembly, I tried to clean the entire airpath. The steel tube was already clean from the inside, I stuck up some white paper cleaning stick, not one bit of dirt came out.
-this tube is connected to a plastic piece, probably glued, but the glued part is not exposed at all to inside.
-this plastic piece is lying on smoothly and firmly on a black rubber disk (which is connecting the white ceramic bottom-plug of the heater, see my previous vid. how), which does have the strongly distinguishable smell to it. This piece is pretty much what gives off this - again, very, very slight - taste to the air. I can tell by Wikiigleing things, that this is probably the rubber's curing agent, which will eventually wear out from the exposed parts, but even on first use it will not pose any risk to health at all. I have a friend who actually likes it, and would bake a torte from it

He would also lick slugs no problem.
-There is also Kapton running around the heater, the silicone adhesive on this gives off quite some spicyness also when excess evaporates on first few uses. See my video below oh my God lol, looks so bad, worse than it actually is
Both this, and the rubber bit is technically locked out from the path of air, so literally WTF? How I still taste it?
This is how:
Below images showing tiny holes drilled into ceramic bit for wires running through to supply heater. These holes are not sealed, also the rubber disk on bottom is tight but not airtight, so lets
some air in - which you may pull through the holes in tiny quantities, carrying enough flavour to be picked up.
Another source of some "false draw" is slight imperfection fitting the metal heater bit into the top closure plastic, so at the end you may pull some air from around the heater - not just from the heater. This will certainly taste from the nasty Kapton. Even though this wears off pretty fast with usage, it is not in compliance with my OCD.
Again, grab your towel and don't panic please. The whole construction is so tight, so snugly fitted
that I really wonder if I should go any further perfecting the thing.
But yes.
So, heres my project:
-I am trying to find alternative for the rubber disk, in fact I am working on to connect the steel pipe
directly into the ceramic bit, completely excluding the rubber part.
-I am experimenting with stuff, like UV cured dental ceramic putty, to seal both holes around the wires.
-I am taking off most the Kapton tape, and will use a thin copper wire to keep thermistor in place. For insulating the head of the thermistor, I keep the minimum amount of Kapton required.
-I am trying to develop a method to fit the heater atomtight into that top plastic closure, so not a molecule can get through, not even quantum teleporting.
Thats it for now, cheers