PUFFiT portable


It seems to me that post #'s 1321, 1323 and 1324 are way off base. This manufacturer's repsonses have been on point and relevant. In fact he didn't even get any love for the cleaning video that he posted after a bunch of nay-sayers were slinging mud with that being their focal point like one page prior. He addressed the taste issue early on, so I don't blame him for not reiterating every time someone else brings it back up. His claim is that the uncured silicone is making a bad taste if I recall. I also seem to recall some members posting ideas for degassing at home. Any of those pan out?
I agree with xchadb that if it were more decernable which batch all of the fowl tasting units came from, it would solidify a purchase on my end. With a silicone ring around the heat chamber, a piece of plastic tubing for the air path and a $150 price point it seems like plasticy, headache inducing, mouth coating plastic taste would be inherent. I'm just as disappointed as everyone else who hoped that this unit would be revolutionary, but not nearly as disappointed as the earliest adoptors who are experiencing tastes rendering the unit unusable. They are the ones with a legitimate right to gripe.
Don't buy a kia and then expect it to ride like a Lexus.


Get your Freak on....
Thank you for the video Andrew. Any chance you might throw some love at us that have mostly unusable units now due to the taste?

Yes.. Props for the Video... I was one of the ones thinking we might never hear from you again...


Well-Known Member
He asked for discretion, I will say that I havent been taken care of though Ive been given a couple options...

Will update when (if) it is worked out to my satisfaction. Hopefully soon enough...


It seems to me that post #'s 1321, 1323 and 1324 are way off base. This manufacturer's repsonses have been on point and relevant.
(mod note at bottom)
They've been kind of on point, kinda here kinda not, but I think what irks people the most is that even though they acknowledged that the taste was there, they didn't, to my understanding, offer any sort of replacement program where they could get a "regular" Puffit.

I don't mean to sling shit here, or to have anyone think that I'm shilling for another company, but if this came up with the rubber ring in the trench on the Launch Box, I wouldn't expect anything less than a full replacement no questions asked and a sincere apology from Magic Flight. I feel like they set the standard for customer service on this forum, going so far as to replace a box dropped in a toilet. Let's be realistic here, if I dropped my Xbox 360 controller or my Raybans or something along those lines and it ended up in the porcelain throne, I wouldn't even expect an email back from the respective companies. I feel like this is an issue that should have been directly addressed at the very beginning with a replacement program or plan or something. A simple "send us an email and we'll take care of you" seems better to me than a "yeah... it happens, this is why it happens, it should go away. trust us, it'll go away." Obviously, they didn't say it that way, but I feel that the people here frustrated with the taste feel the same way. Someone said they're past 10 bowls and it's still there?? To my knowledge, there also isn't really a replacement program going on. If there is, then disregard the bitching about that, and my apologies in advance for the oversight.

I would LOVE to get this vaporizer, but I simply cannot take the risk of inhaling some silicone ring gas-off that coats my mouth and makes me nauseated. Part of the freaking reason I even bought a vaporizer was to help control my nausea in a safer-than-combustion, not-adding-another-pill-to-my-daily-regimen, manner. I just can't dive into it and hope to hell that I don't get a bad one, and for this reason, I don't feel safe recommending it to anyone for the time being. If they're still around in 6-12 months and there's no more reports of random sizzling, tasting, or anything like that, then -maybe- I'll try it out.

To any mods that see this, if it's out of line for this thread, then, again, my sincere apologies for it, and I will keep that in mind for future posting. I'm just trying to help people see it from a different angle, from the perspective of people who cannot for health reasons use this product, and for the ones that are frustrated and others don't get why. If this isn't good, then send me a PM or something and I'll take note. Please no infractions! :luv:


Going to try to clean mine tonight....super nervous though...

Edit: I cleaned it, worked well, got some nasty gunk outta it. I didn't take any pics cuz it was pretty simple. Now it drying for that 45 min (overnight cuz I'm not using it tonight)
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Toolbag v1.1 (candidate)
Staff member
To any mods that see this, if it's out of line for this thread, then, again, my sincere apologies for it, and I will keep that in mind for future posting. I'm just trying to help people see it from a different angle, from the perspective of people who cannot for health reasons use this product, and for the ones that are frustrated and others don't get why. If this isn't good, then send me a PM or something and I'll take note. Please no infractions! :luv:

I can't speak for the other moderators, but I see nothing wrong with your post. If everyone was as thoughtful and respectful, we wouldn't need mods.


Well-Known Member
(mod note at bottom)
They've been kind of on point, kinda here kinda not, but I think what irks people the most is that even though they acknowledged that the taste was there, they didn't, to my understanding, offer any sort of replacement program where they could get a "regular" Puffit.

I don't mean to sling shit here, or to have anyone think that I'm shilling for another company, but if this came up with the rubber ring in the trench on the Launch Box, I wouldn't expect anything less than a full replacement no questions asked and a sincere apology from Magic Flight. I feel like they set the standard for customer service on this forum, going so far as to replace a box dropped in a toilet. Let's be realistic here, if I dropped my Xbox 360 controller or my Raybans or something along those lines and it ended up in the porcelain throne, I wouldn't even expect an email back from the respective companies. I feel like this is an issue that should have been directly addressed at the very beginning with a replacement program or plan or something. A simple "send us an email and we'll take care of you" seems better to me than a "yeah... it happens, this is why it happens, it should go away. trust us, it'll go away." Obviously, they didn't say it that way, but I feel that the people here frustrated with the taste feel the same way. Someone said they're past 10 bowls and it's still there?? To my knowledge, there also isn't really a replacement program going on. If there is, then disregard the bitching about that, and my apologies in advance for the oversight.

I would LOVE to get this vaporizer, but I simply cannot take the risk of inhaling some silicone ring gas-off that coats my mouth and makes me nauseated. Part of the freaking reason I even bought a vaporizer was to help control my nausea in a safer-than-combustion, not-adding-another-pill-to-my-daily-regimen, manner. I just can't dive into it and hope to hell that I don't get a bad one, and for this reason, I don't feel safe recommending it to anyone for the time being. If they're still around in 6-12 months and there's no more reports of random sizzling, tasting, or anything like that, then -maybe- I'll try it out.

To any mods that see this, if it's out of line for this thread, then, again, my sincere apologies for it, and I will keep that in mind for future posting. I'm just trying to help people see it from a different angle, from the perspective of people who cannot for health reasons use this product, and for the ones that are frustrated and others don't get why. If this isn't good, then send me a PM or something and I'll take note. Please no infractions! :luv:
Agreed. Most of us preordered this unit. We put our faith in an unproven, untested company. For the $125-$140 that each of us spent, this plastic taste is unforgivable. I don't understand how it got past testing as it's so obvious and overwhelming. If this company spent the extra $.50 to use properly cured plastic rings, they'd have 1/10th of the complaints that they do now. If they then addressed the early units, they would have a reputation on this community allowing them to do more business in the future. Their lack of response shows a significant lack of long-term vision for the company. Even if we had to send our units back to get just the rings replaced (the cheapest solution they can likely offer), I would do it in a heartbeat. This unit is so close to being useful.


Since my cleaning, I get much more visible vapors, on the second cycle actually. And I do a test run with the first cycle. I still tastes funky but it gets me so medicated and it's so quick and convienent I can't help to use this often. Just wish the flavor was a better taste, I still might occasionally try the mint leaves, I bet it smells really good....if it wasn't for the taste and the battery, this would easily be my fav device.

Edit - I also forgot to mention I used a hammer on 2 screens and use them both

I also noticed its a lot easier and less effort to draw on it now that I cleaned it (with the iso/salt technique)


Well-Known Member
Email him, he won't respond on here regarding individual units with that horrendous taste.
When you say email him, do you mean Andrew? or the company? Basically, I would like that email adress so that I may start the process of exchanging my unit as well. When you say you "got a few options" about returning what did you mean? Thanks for the info.


Well-Known Member
Yesterday i took the screen out of my Puffit to do a cleaning. I noticed there is another silicone ring under the screen that doesn't look removable.

So even if you replaced the silicone ring around the top of the bowl and the silicone tube in the vapor path. You still will have the lower ring which I'm sure has the same plastic smell/taste.

I tried cleaning the vapor path with the instructed syringe filled with ISO/Salt mixture. It definitly cleaned some gunk out. But i think it would be better if you block one end of the Puffit so the ISO/Salt mix can soak in.

Shooting ISO through a few times helps but i think you still need it to soak a little longer. :2c:
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Yesterday i took the screen out of my Puffit to do a cleaning. I noticed there is another silicone ring under the screen that doesn't look removable.

So even if you replaced the silicone ring around the top of the bowl and the silicone tube in the vapor path. You still will have the lower ring which I'm sure has the same plastic smell/taste.

I tried cleaning the vapor path with the instructed syringe filled with ISO/Salt mixture. It definitly cleaned some gunk out. But i think it would be better if you block one end of the Puffit so the ISO/Salt mix can soak in.

Shooting ISO through a few times helps but i think you still need it to soak a little longer. :2c:

Yeah I did the salt thing first but I pushed ISO through it like 5 times or so, it looked like sand in the cup. But next time I will def take your advice about plugging one end, because it seems to work much better after the cleaning.


Well-Known Member
Agreed. Most of us preordered this unit. We put our faith in an unproven, untested company. For the $125-$140 that each of us spent, this plastic taste is unforgivable. I don't understand how it got past testing as it's so obvious and overwhelming. If this company spent the extra $.50 to use properly cured plastic rings, they'd have 1/10th of the complaints that they do now. If they then addressed the early units, they would have a reputation on this community allowing them to do more business in the future. Their lack of response shows a significant lack of long-term vision for the company. Even if we had to send our units back to get just the rings replaced (the cheapest solution they can likely offer), I would do it in a heartbeat. This unit is so close to being useful.

Email them. But I agree with everything you said.
I think he's saying that if you try to contact the company directly and respectfully you might be pleasantly surprised at the results.
I wouldn't say pleasantly surprised but they're not disregarding complaints. The email is on the discreetvape site, Andrew responds though.
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Well-Known Member
I have posted a head to head on the Puffit vs. Pax over in the pax thread for the who are interested. Spoiler Alert. I like the Puffit better as of right now but I never had the taste. Mine was fine from day one.


Well-Known Member
Why do you say that? It's more stealthy with less maintenance, no drag, and a saving of a hundred bux plus tax. It gets me medicated and doesn't waste product. I like them both, but if I could only have one, I'd take the Puffit and spend the hundred on a piece of glass or put it towards half the price of an Inhalater. I'm just saying, that or me, the Pax isn't the be all and end all. Remember that mine doesn't have that bad taste.


I'm really surprised PUFFiT came out on top for you Ontariovapes!
It actually makes sense, considering the fact that he got one of the "normal" ones. More low-key at a glance, less visible vapor production, save a bit of money.


I love the quick sesh this device produces, taste is no longer an issue, I've just been enjoying the nice night cap right before bed, quick, effortless, and I've been getting some decent visible vapor. I even went shopping today for a lil cute carrying bag for it (the one it came with didn't leave room for extras which I travel with) if it wasn't for those little bits that are negatives for me, this would be the perfect solo portable vape. Maybe second gen will be better, if they ever get that far...
Why do you say that? It's more stealthy with less maintenance, no drag, and a saving of a hundred bux plus tax. It gets me medicated and doesn't waste product. I like them both, but if I could only have one, I'd take the Puffit and spend the hundred on a piece of glass or put it towards half the price of an Inhalater. I'm just saying, that or me, the Pax isn't the be all and end all. Remember that mine doesn't have that bad taste.

I really like mine too, it just seemed that most dual PAX/PUFFiT owners prefer the PAX. I had really wanted a PAX before, but now I don't know. I agree with what you said, I'd rather spend a few extra scrill on some nice glass for my EQ than buy ANOTHER portable.


Vaporist Extrordinair
I have really been giving the Pax a lot of thought, but I have been so damned happy with my Puffit I am having a hard time justifying another portable. I have been getting excellent clouds from it recently, and no nasty taste. It has slowly become one of my favorites, I find myself using it 3 or 4 times a week.

I was showing it to a friend of mine a few days ago and actually got clouds large enough to make both of us cough. It seems the more I use it, the better it gets.

Usually a bowl will last me a couple of days, I am not a constant vaper, usually a couple of hits does me fine.

I really hope Discreet Vapes gets the plastic taste problem under control, this has the promise to be one of the best vaporizers on the market, I have fallen in love with mine and I wish everyone was having the same feelings towards theirs.

I paid $110 for my Puffit, and it has been the best vaporizer I own for the price range. Maybe a Pax is in my future, but for right now I am happy to be able to wander through life with my Puffit in my pocket. I cannot even begin to list the places I have vaped with this unit, it is soooo stealthy.

Have a great day fellow vapers, vape a few hits for the Dogman, would you?


Seems there are a handful of us here that actually get to enjoy the puffit without the taste bothering us. Seems now that this vape is available more, there are less and less people here commenting (or maybe they just want to talk about delivery?)
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