1) This company is shady as all hell. I tried contacting them initially through the conversations here then at their email address. At first they are great, "Yeah we'll help you just ship it back here or we'll send you the new silicone ring if you take full responsibility if you break it". Not really keen on shipping it back to Hong Kong and waiting until god knows when to maybe get it back one day, I opted for the latter option. When I gave them my address and everything... nothing. I've emailed them repeatedly just to see if anything's on the way. Nothing. It's been a full week now since I last heard anything at all from them. Maybe they sent something, but if they did why wouldn't one of their customer service people just tell me that in an email. "We sent the part you'll need, it'll be there in 7-10 days, blahblah blah". Nope... they just cut off communication.
if you want a replacement i would deal with GotVape, not them. Also, they were nothing but completely up-front and honest with me; they probably get tons of emails a day with the problems that have arisen, so answering your "DID YOU SHIP IT YET DID YOU SHIT IT YET?" is probably low on their priorities.
3) This thing is not a great vape. It's ultra stealth and convenient, but it's got this tiny airway with no real flow behind it. Its hard to get really great hits on this thing. I know people say they do. And I'm not here to call people a liar. If anything I believe you because these things are so inconsistent from a manufacturing standpoint you might have gotten the Golden Puffit that actually does what it's supposed to do.
yours may not be a great vape. When i had mine and it was functioning well, it was a great vape. I wouldn't recommend this to someone who is looking for a primary vaporizer to use at home when relaxing. no. for that you want a stationary vaporizer.
For some reason people have forgotten this is a PORTABLE vaporizer, meaning its not supposed to function like a stationary. This isn't a good first vaporizer, because of the learning curve, unless your looking for stealth (if you're living in a dorm or parents etc).
I have had 3 stationary vaporizers before this, and now want a stealthy portable one, and the PUFFIT is perfect.
What do you think of the device reckon its worth it if theres no plastic taste? Does it get the job done?
I'll tell you right here, its completely worth it in my eyes. I got mine, wasn't too happy, then i cleaned it, and started to get some clouds. I spent about 1 day with it functioning pretty well, and based of that day i would recommend it to someone who needs the stealth. It gets the job done very well, and i find myself really missing it during the day. i'm always asking "ugh, where's my puffit!!?".
i sent mine back to get replaced with the new batch, because i could. GotVape and the guys over at DiscreteVape set me up with a replacement. I got free shipping to return it, and free shipping back to me with the replacement. So my new Puffit should be coming today or tomorrow. A user posted above saying there is a newer looking silicone being used that doesn't appear to smell, so we'll see how this goes. I currently do not have one, but it's on the way. I'm pretty sure i didn't get the first batch, because i got the one with the fixed battery indicator, but theyve made another update, and i wanted that one.
Bottom line: I got one that seemed to work (besides a battery issue), and it was great. I don't like the MFLB, so this looked like a great portable vaporizer; it is. Sucks that so many people are having issues with it, but i'd recommend it.