I'm going to try the pill bottle cardboard on my cap to make it more secure.
I guess you cant use the in cap stir tool if you do this??? I actually like my stir tool and use it..
It adds to the Stealth part too
I never use the stir tool since it doesn't seem to get the edges, only the middle. Plus I have found that the contents are pretty evenly heated throughout. If you still want to use the stir tool you could use a single layer of posterboard as a cap washer (thinner).
Update to my observations:
I was using the heat setting on 8, only to discover that 6 works better, and uses less power. The reason I used 8 in the first place was due to the almost tasteless and invisible nature of the vapor in the first few draws. I tested it on 6 and got just as medicated with lower odor and shorter heatup cycle, with no wasted cloud on exhale. Turns out the 8 setting was vaping more active ingredient quicker. The 6 setting slows things down and I like it much better that way. Curious to see how even lower settings work. The key is to take a few draws and wait, 10 minutes later you get the full effect, clouds on exhale is just wasted meds.
Also really fine material (powder fine) just doesn't work like it does in the LB even with pounded flat screen. I'm sticking to a few seconds in my coffee grinder for best consistency from now on.
Update to my observations:
I was using the heat setting on 8, only to discover that 6 works better, and uses less power. The reason I used 8 in the first place was due to the almost tasteless and invisible nature of the vapor in the first few draws. I tested it on 6 and got just as medicated with lower odor and shorter heatup cycle, with no wasted cloud on exhale. Turns out the 8 setting was vaping more active ingredient quicker. The 6 setting slows things down and I like it much better that way. Curious to see how even lower settings work. The key is to take a few draws and wait, 10 minutes later you get the full effect, clouds on exhale is just wasted meds.
Are you guys able to use the round "in cap" stir tool with the cap closed? Mine has never wanted to fit that way so I gave up.
Are you guys able to use the round "in cap" stir tool with the cap closed? Mine has never wanted to fit that way so I gave up.
I would really like to see that cleaning tutorial video Andrew as the exit point of the vapor tube is really starting to get some buildup and the draw is noticeably more difficult after nearly a month of use
So if you had to pick a portable that you could clean and take on a trip, which would you recommend? The PAX or this one? Im gonna throw it in my luggage with a pack of tobacco I think. I was gonna bring my wispr but I don't think I'll be able to find 5x butane down there and I can't bring it on the plane. Any recommendations? I'm leaning towards the PAX.
I was going to buy a VaporGenie Coil but I don't think it will work for me and don't want to test it out first on a trip and realize I can't use it.
I'm a pretty new here, but i recently went to LA for the weekend and had an absolute blast with the Puffit. My friend and i drove several hours there, hitting the Puffit, then letting it charge in the car which got us where we needed to beand pretty much when we needed more, the charging was done so we were fine. When we got there, we met up with one of my other friends and he and his lil brother took us to a dodgers game. At the game, we were puffing and passing. No one made any mention of any smell, and his lil brother who was sitting right next to us couldn't even tell. When it ran out of battery life, we were had just gotten as medicated as we would have wanted too which was lucky cause the battery isn't fit for 3+. The next day I brought it out to Disneyland. I was hitting that Puffit with just my friend and I around the park, on rides etc. The only time someone mentioned a smell was on the Pirates of the Caribbean ride, but to be fair it was the first few hits from a fresh bowl. Halfway through the day, the Puffit died which was disappointing, but I used the charge lockers they have at Disneyland and was able to get it charged just in time for Space Mountain which was aptly named cause I was in SPACE. All in all the puffit was great for my trip, however if they could make the battery last longer and not take as long to charge I wouldn't need to consider any other vape.
It's getting to that point, or sell it. Im getting mad I cant use it, almost feel like shoulda went paxI would Email them.. He seems to not want to answer this question on-line...
just came back from my local HS cause i was looking for some detox drink for my wife that has a test coming up. My local HS has a lot of stuff including vapes, although he usually carries mostly imitation knockoff brands and of course the big $$$$ volcano. to my surprise he had some newer stuff like the Wispr and the Vaporblunt (all overpriced compared to the internet, but he did tell me that cause i am informative shopper that looks on the internet he would try and match prices). To my shock as i walking out he just put a PuffiT in the case. i told him i got mine a week ago and he said he literally just got it. i gave him the skinny on what users have said so he could be informed. sticker price..... $169.00. he was surprised when i told him i got it for $139.00 but i told him it from GV which he said that is where he got his. so i know he paid the same or less than me. but a dude's got to make a profit so i understand the bump in price.